Terms and Conditions - Search Results (tctrm2151m300)

Use this session to display the Internal terms and conditions effective for a business partner.

These are the results of the search simulation process that you initiated from one of the following sessions:

LN displays the Order and Logistics terms and conditions groups in this session. If the Search Level is set to zero for a specific terms and conditions group, no terms and conditions are defined for this group.

  • The fields on the Order tab refer to the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session.
  • The fields on the Logistics tab refer to the Logistics Terms and Conditions (tctrm1140m000) session.

You can view the steps completed by LN to obtain the search results for a specific terms and conditions group, in the Terms and Conditions - Search Results Log (tctrm2151m200) session. Also, for each step, a validation or simulation message is displayed.


Test Number

The sequence number of the search test from the Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session.

Logging Date

The date and time the terms and conditions are retrieved.

Terms and Conditions ID
Search Level
Effective Date
Expiry Date
Ownership for Return to Warehouse
Transfer Type
Receipt Triggered Order
Price Determination Based on
Log Intrastat as Blocked
Search Level
Effective Date
Expiry Date
Usage at Warehouse Transfer
Method of Inventory Update
Receiving Process
Receiving Interval
Inventory Discrepancies Paid by Business Partner
Time-based Ownership Change after Receipt
Period Unit
Time-based Ownership Change after last Transaction
Period Unit


Search Results Log
Terms and Conditions Line
Terms and Conditions
Print Terms and Conditions Search Results