Tax Breakdown Structure (tctax9141m10l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to view the tax amounts for the aggregate tax code. All the fields in the session are display fields. The tax structure of the aggregate tax code is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session. For more information, refer to Overview and Example of aggregate tax code.


Tax Country

The country code of the tax country. The value is defaulted from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Aggregate Tax

The tax code for which the tax structure is displayed. The value is defaulted from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session.

Aggregate Tax

The description or name of the code.


The tax amount that is added to the CENVAT credit pool for payment of similar duties.


The currency code.

Non Claimable

The tax amount that is considered as an expense and is added to the inventory value of an item.


The total tax amount including the claimable and non-claimable tax.


The number that identifies a layer defined in the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax.


The type of layer as defined in the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax.

Sequence Number

The sequence number specific to the layer as defined in the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session.


The percentage of the amount on which tax is calculated. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax.

Amount Origin

The type of amount on which tax is calculated. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specified Aggregate Tax.

Tax Code

The tax code specific to the Layer and Sequence Number and used to calculate the tax amount . The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specified Aggregate Tax.

Tax Code Description

The description or name of the code.

Expensed Purchase Tax

If this check box is selected, the tax amount calculated for the specific layer is considered as expensed and is added to the inventory value.

If this check box is cleared, the tax amount calculated for the specific layer is considered as claimable and is added to the CENVAT credit pool.


The currency code for the amount in the Maximum Taxable Amount field.

Maximum Taxable Amount

The maximum amount for which the tax rate is applicable. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specified Aggregate Tax.

Kind of Tax

The kind of tax. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specified Aggregate Tax.

Indirect Tax

The indirect tax associated with the Tax Code. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specified Aggregate Tax.

Layer 1

The check box that represents the layer with value 1. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 1.

Layer 2

The check box that represents the layer with value 2. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 2.

Layer 3

The check box that represents the layer with value 3. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 3.

Layer 4

The check box that represents the layer with value 4. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 4.

Layer 5

The check box that represents the layer with value 5. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 5.

Layer 6

The check box that represents the layer with value 6. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 6.

Layer 7

The check box that represents the layer with value 7. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 7.

Layer 8

The check box that represents the layer with value 8. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 8.

Layer 9

The check box that represents the layer with value 9. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax. If this check box is selected, tax is calculated on the layer with value 9.


The currency code.

Base Amount

The amount on which the tax is calculated. The amount is defaulted from the order lines or cost lines or invoice lines.

Tax Rate

The tax rate defined for the Tax Code. The value is defaulted from the Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l) session for the specific Aggregate Tax.

Tax Amount

The tax amount calculated as the product of Base Amount and Tax Rate.


Print Tax Breakdown Structure

Starts the Print Aggregate Taxes (tctax9441m00l) session, which prints the aggregate tax details.