To process import orders with advance license

This functionality is specific for India.

Complete the following steps to process an import order - advance license:

  1. Create the order
    • In the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900) session, specify the Buy-from Business Partner, Order, Order Type, Purchase Office, Planned Receipt Date to create an import order. LN generates the order number.
    • Select the Import Order check box. Select the Exempt checkbox. Set the Exempt Category field to License.
    • Enter the Currency and Terms of Delivery.
  2. Create the order lines
  3. Approve the order
    • In the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900) session, on the specific menu; click Approve to approve the order.
  4. Print/Release the order
    • In the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900) session, select the order line. On the Specific menu, click Status, the Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session opens.
    • LN executes the activities set to Automatic.
    • Execute the activities that are not processed by LN.
    • In the Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session, click Execute to execute the activities defined for the order in the Purchase Order Type - Activities (tdpur0694m000) session.
    • Click Execute to release the purchase order to warehousing.
    • Click Execute to process the receipts, the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session opens. On the Specific menu, click Receive; the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) opens.
  5. Process the receipt
    • In the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, select the receipt line.
    • The landed costs are generated automatically for the receipt. You can add the landed costs as per the requirement in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session.
    • To include the landed cost in the customs value calculation, on the Specific menu, click Landed Cost Lines; the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session opens. In the each landed cost line, select the Include in Customs Value Calculation check box.
    • On the specific menu, go to Bill of Entry --> Generate Bill of Entry.
    • On the Specific menu, go to Bill of Entry --> Bill of Entry. The Bill Of Entry (tdpur9140m90l) session opens.
    • On the Specific menu, click Apportion. LN generates the estimated tax amount and the exempt amount.
    • On the Specific menu, click Approve Estimates to approve the estimated tax amount and the exempt amount.
    • On the Specific menu, click Enter Actuals. Enter the bill of entry number in the Customs Bill Of Entry field and specify the date and time. On the Specific menu, click Approve Actuals.
    • On the Specific menu, click ReWarehoused.
    • In the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, from the specific menu, go to Confirm --> Receipt.
  6. Create purchase invoice
    • In the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, specify the transaction type.
    • Select the transaction line. On the Specific menu, click Transaction Entry, the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session opens. Set the Invoice Type field to Invoice Related to Purchase Order.
    • Enter the purchase order number and press Tab. LN populates the fields with the order related data.
  7. Match/Approve the invoice
    • In the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session, on the Specific menu, go to Match with --> Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session opens. On the Specific menu, click Match All.
    • In the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session, on the Specific menu, go to Invoice --> Approve.
  8. Finalize the transaction
    • In the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, on the specific menu, go to Batch --> Finalize to finalize the transactions.
  9. Process Delivered Purchase Orders/Schedules
    • In the Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session, click Execute to process the delivered purchase orders.
    • The Process Delivered Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session opens.
    • Click Process to process the order.