Excise duty process for Purchase returns

This functionality is specific for India.

When the excisable goods are returned to the supplier for rework, or for any other reason, CENVAT Credit availed for the original purchase receipts, must get reversed. For purchase returns, excise invoice is printed separately in the Print Tax Invoice (whinh9447m00l) session, in Warehousing.

To process excise for purchase returns, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session, define purchase order type for return orders. The Return Order field must be set to Return Inventory. You can create a link between a return order and the original purchase order line.
  2. You must manually link the original receipt and position to the return purchase order line.
  3. Approve the purchase order. In the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session, on the appropriate menu, click Approve.
  4. In the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session, on the appropriate menu, click Release to Warehousing, to release the purchase order to Warehousing. Generate and release the outbound advice with all activities that are applicable.
  5. In the Capture GPD Shipment Header LR Information (whinh9145m00l) session, enter the following information of the goods shipped:
    • Dispatch Destination
    • Reason for Removal
    • Remark I
    • Remark II
    In the Capture GPD Shipment Header LR Information (whinh9145m00l) session, on the appropriate menu, click GPD Shipment Line LR Information, the Reason for Removal (whinh9146m00l) session opens. Select the shipment line and on the appropriate menu, click Capture GPD Shipment Line LR Information, the Capture GPD Shipment Line LR Information (whinh9148m00l) session opens. Enter the following details of the lorry :
    • LR Number
    • LR Date
    • Lorry Number
    • Number of Packages
    Excise invoice must always be printed in Warehousing for purchase returns.
  6. You must update the RG 23 A/C register. LN updates the Part 1 of RG 23 A/C register, when the Item Category is set to Non-Capital or Capital, and also when the Item Type is set to Purchased.