To process bill of entry

This functionality is specific for India.

The Bill of entry is a shipping bill submitted to the customs authorities. The bill contains all the details of goods cleared from Customs.

Bill of entry is of the following three types:

  • Home consumption: Clearance of goods after payment of customs duty.
  • Warehousing: Goods are kept in bonded warehouse to be cleared on payment of duty.
  • Ex - Bond

The bill of entry number group and series are maintained in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, to generate bill of entry details.

In the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session or in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, on the appropriate menu, click Generate Bill Of Entry; the Bill of Entry (tdpur9140m00l) session opens.

In the Bill of Entry (tdpur9140m00l) session, enter the following data:

  1. The Status of the bill of entry is set to Free and of the Value Status field is set to Estimated
  2. Enter the Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Insurance Amount and Freight Amount.
  3. In the Receipt Line field, click the browse arrow to select the corresponding receipt number from the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m100) session. Note: All the other details of the order line, including the estimated amounts are defaulted from the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.
  4. Approve the estimated amounts in the bill of entry.
  5. Click Approve Estimates on the appropriate menu. The Status of the bill of entry changes to Approved and that of the Value Status field remains Estimated.
  6. Click Enter Actuals on the appropriate menu, to enter the actual amounts.
  7. Enter the actual amounts. The Status of the bill remains Free and that of the Value Status field changes to Actual.
  8. Click Approve Actuals on the appropriate menu, to approve the Bill of entry with actual values of custom duties. The Bill of Entry Status changes to Approved and the Value Status field changes to Actual.
  9. To make corrections to the Bill of Entry, use the Un Approve option.

The table lists actions performed on the bill of entry and the corresponding change in the status of the Status and Value Status fields.

ActionStatusValue status
Generate Bill of EntryFreeEstimated
Approve EstimatesApprovedEstimated
Un ApproveFreeEstimated
Enter ActualsFreeActual
Approve ActualsApprovedActual



Receipt lines for approved bill of entries cannot be deleted. On confirmation of a receipt line, all the bill of entry options are disabled. You cannot enter or change any data.

To modify the details or enter actual values, the status must be Free.