To set up tax registration numbers for your own company

This functionality is specific for India.

Set up multiple tax registration numbers for your company, in the Registration Numbers By Financial Company(tctax9140m00l) session:

  • LN generates the sequence numbers.
  • The financial company for which you define the registration number.
  • In the Category field, enter the kind of tax or the type of tax registration number.
  • In the State/Province and City fields, select state and city.

  • In the Entity field, click the browse arrow to select the service department or the warehouse from the Key Entities (tcemm1510m000) session.

    This field is enabled only when you select excise or service tax in the Category field.

    • If you select Excise, LN allows you to select only warehouse as an entity or you can leave the Entity field empty.
    • If you select Service Tax, LN allows you to select only service department as an entity or you can leave the Entity field empty.
  • In the Registration Number field, enter the tax registration number assigned to your company by the tax authorities.