Tax analysis

This functionality is specific for India.

To print the tax declaration

To calculate and print the amounts for your tax declaration, use the Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000) sessions. Click Print, and select one of the following reports:

  • Tax analysis
  • Tax analysis by invoice-from business partner
  • Tax analysis by invoice-to business partner
  • Tax report by tax position
  • Tax report by tax position and country group
  • Yearly tax report (business partners)
  • Tax summary by tax authorities
  • Tax exemption analysis

In the tax analysis reports, tax payments to the collection office are represented by the Tax Settlement tax code.

For tax declaration procedure, refer to To pay the tax declaration.

Other tax reports

You can use the following session to print tax report:

  • Print Statement of Withheld Income Tax & Social Contribution (tfgld1436m000) session.
    A statement of withheld taxes that you must periodically supply to each business partner. The business partner needs this statement to complete the income tax declaration for personal income tax and to claim the already withheld amounts. In addition, you can use this report for internal audits.