Amount format

This table shows the formatting characters that you can specify. However, if you do not specify any value in the Amount Format field in the XML Payment/Receipt Layouts (tfcmg0524m000) session, the default value applied is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ9V.99.

9Reserves a position for a digit. Inserts a 0 if there is no significant digit in that position.
ZReserves a position for a digit. Inserts a space if there is no significant digit in that position. You can use this both before and after the decimal sign.
VIndicates the position of the decimal sign. No decimal sign is displayed. To display a decimal sign, you must enter ‘D’, a period [.], or a comma [,] immediately after this character, depending on which decimal sign you wish to use.
DDisplays the decimal sign as defined in the data dictionary.
TDisplays a thousand sign. The representation of the thousand sign is defined in the data dictionary.
-If this is the first or last character in a format string, a negative value is prefixed or suffixed by a minus sign [-], and a positive value is prefixed or suffixed by a space. Minus signs in other positions have the same meaning as ‘Z’.
+If this is the first or last character in a format string, a negative value is prefixed or suffixed by a minus sign [-], and a positive value is prefixed or suffixed by a plus sign [+]. Plus signs in other positions have the same meaning as ‘Z’.
*If this is the first character in a format string, all spaces to the left of the most significant digit are filled with asterisks [*].



To display '3.1' as '-3.10', specify %@ZZZZVD99@

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