Using addresses

You use addresses to register the information that you need to communicate with persons and organization. You define addresses for:

  • Companies
  • Departments
  • Employees
  • Warehouses
  • Business partners
  • Contacts
  • Factoring companies
  • Banks

In addition, you can define addresses for other locations and/or areas between which you wish to define the distances. You can define distances in the following sessions:

  • Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4538m000)
  • Distance Table by City (tccom4537m000)
Address formats

You can use address formats to define how the address must be printed.

The state or province abbreviation

In some countries it is customary to use the abbreviation of a state name or province name instead of the full name when the address is printed. If you specify the abbreviation of the state name or province name in the States/Provinces (tcmcs1143m000) session, LN prints the abbreviation. If you do not specify an abbreviation, LN prints the text that you specified for the state or province description. When you define a company in LN, you must define the company's address. The company's address is used in Financials.

Business partner addresses

When you define a business partner, you define the business partner master data and then the details for each specific business partner role. You define an address for each role. The business-partner master-data address is the default address for the roles.

You can use this functionality to register an organization's main address as well as the specific addresses of their departments and warehouses.

Address per document type

The addresses that you specify for business partners, contacts, warehouses, and others, are the default addresses. For example, the address of the ship-to business partner is the default address on the shipping order. When you create the order you can select a different address for the order.

North American and Canadian tax reporting

For NA and Canadian sales tax reporting, the state or province and the GEO code are used to determine:

  • The tax jurisdiction in which transactions take place
  • To which authorities the tax must be paid.
ZIP code and postal codes

LN uses the ZIP code or postal code to determine the distance between delivery addresses, if you defined the distances in the Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4538m000) session.

You can also use the ZIP codes to indicate areas where doing business is risky, and block transactions with business partners in such areas.