Material Base Prices (tcmpr0140m000)

Use this session to view, specify, and update material base prices for a price list or business partner, and item.


Leave fields blank if the material base price must apply to all items or business partners. For example, if you leave the Item field blank, the material base price applies to all items.


Business Document Module

Specify if the material base price is used in Procurement, Sales, or both.

Price List

price list


If a price list is specified, you cannot specify a business partner in the current session. The material base price then applies to all buy-from or sold-to business partners that have the price list linked in the Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4520m000) or Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) sessions.

Sold-to Business Partner

sold-to business partner


If a business partner is specified, you cannot specify a price list in this session.

Ship-to Business Partner

ship-to business partner


If a business partner is specified, you cannot specify a price list in this session.

Buy-from Business Partner

buy-from business partner


If a business partner is specified, you cannot specify a price list in this session.

Ship-from Business Partner

ship-from business partner


If a business partner is specified, you cannot specify a price list in this session.



  • The item type can be Manufactured, Purchased, List (kit), or Generic (assembly).
  • If an item group is specified, you cannot specify an item in this session.
Effective Date
Expiry Date
Base Price

material base price

Default value

The Base Price field in the Materials (tcmpr0110m000) session.


The currency in which the material base price is expressed.

Default value

The Currency field in the Materials (tcmpr0110m000) session.

Price Unit

The material's price unit.


An approved conversion factor must exist between the Price Unit in this session and the Quantity Unit in the Materials (tcmpr0110m000) session.

Default value

The Price Unit field in the Materials (tcmpr0110m000) session.


Only Effective Base Prices

If this command is marked, only the effective material base prices are displayed.