The unit's code.
Units (tcmcs0101m000)Use this session to maintain the company's units. Define the units before you run the MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000) session in the Common module. Note If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.
Unit The unit's code. ISO Code An ISO code for the unit. LN does not use this field. In case of integrations with other systems, you can use it to map unit codes between systems. It is not mandatory to enter a value here. Physical Quantity The unit's physical quantity type. Select Piece for quantities expressed as numbers of items. Rounding Factor If a unit is in use, you can only change the unit's existing rounding factor if the new rounding factor has no effect on the quantities that were already rounded off with the original rounding factor. For example, if a original rounding factor is 3.000000, all quantities to which that rounding factor applied were rounded off to a multiple of 3. This resulted in quantities such as 0, 3, 9, 15, 120, etcetera. A new rounding factor of, for example, 2.000000 is not allowed, because a quantity in LN that was already rounded off to, for example, 9, would now be rounded off to 10. Note
Unit Dimensional Relationships Starts the Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000) session. This command is only available if landed costs functionality is enabled.
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