Simulate Search Landed Costs Set (tclct1200m000)

Use this session to check which landed costs set will be selected, based on a particular set of search attributes. In the simulated search, LN compares the search attributes specified in this session with the search attributes available in landed costs scenarios.

These rules apply:

  • If the scenario contains a value and the search does not, this landed cost line is skipped.
  • If the scenario is empty and the search does have a value, the landed cost line will be used.
  • If both contain a value, the scenario and the search should match. Therefore, all attributes that are used in the scenarios must be added.


Business Object Type

The business object type for which the search is simulated.


The item that is shipped.

Item Group
Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner on the purchase order.

Ship-from Address

The address from which goods are shipped.

Ship-from Country

The country from which goods are shipped.


The company to which the ship-from warehouse belongs.

Ship-from Warehouse

The warehouse from which goods are shipped.


The company to which the ship-to warehouse belongs.

Ship-to Warehouse

The warehouse to which goods are shipped.

Ship-to Address

The address to which goods are shipped.

Ship-to Country

The country to which goods are shipped.

Purchase - Delivery Terms

The delivery terms of the purchase order.

Sales - Delivery Terms

For a direct delivery, the delivery terms of the sales order.


This field is not applicable for landed costs sets for which the Used for field is Schedule or Schedule and Order Line.

Landed Costs Classification

landed costs classification


This field is not applicable for landed costs sets for which the Used for field is Schedule or Schedule and Order Line.

Include Inactive Landed Costs Sets

If this check box is selected, LN also searches within inactive landed costs sets.

You can, for example, use this check box to test a landed cost set before you make it active.

Print Landed Costs

If this check box is selected, LN prints the landed costs based on the current search criteria.

Effective Date



Simulates the search.