Reason Type

  • Rejection of Goods

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why goods delivered by a supplier are rejected. For more information, refer to Quarantine inventory.

  • Undefined

    You can use this reason type in all packages.

  • Obsolete

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why rejected goods are destroyed. For more information, refer to Quarantine inventory.

  • Obsolete

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why rejected goods are accepted. For more information, refer to Quarantine inventory.

  • Motive of Transport

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why transportation takes place, such as for repair, sales, or transfer. For more information, refer to How to set up delivery notes.

  • Delivery Code

    Reasons of this reason type indicate who is to pay for the transportation of the goods. For more information, refer to How to set up delivery notes.

  • Load Plan Deviation

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why the load plan is not adhered to.

  • Return of Goods

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why delivered are returned.

  • Finding

    Reasons of this reason type indicate the finding during an inspection.

  • Revaluation

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you revaluate the inventory.

  • Destroyed during Inspection

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why goods were destroyed during inspection.

  • Return for Scrap

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why goods were returned for scrap.

  • Cycle Counting

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you performed cycle counting.

    For reasons of this reason type, in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session, the Billable check box is available.

  • Damaged during Transport

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why goods were damaged during transport.

  • Work Order Quotation

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you created a work order quotation.

  • Rejection of Quotation

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a quotation does not result in an order.

  • Rejection Blocking

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why the product of a completed operation or production order is rejected. For more information, refer to Reporting quantities as completed and rejected.

  • Rejection of Requisition

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a requisition is rejected.

  • Incomplete Shipment

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a shipment is not complete.

  • PCS Project Closed

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a PCS project is closed.

  • Tax Exemption

    Reasons of this reason type indicate the reason for tax exemption. You can only use this reason type to define tax exemptions. For more information, refer to To define a tax exception.

  • Tax Article

    Reasons of this reason type are used to link the text of a tax law article to a tax code and tax-exemption certificate. LN prints the text on purchase order acknowledgement.

  • Cash Flow

    Reasons of this reason type include cash flow reasons to mark transactions that contribute to the cash flow. For more information, refer to Cash flow statements.

  • Assignment Rejection

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you reject an assignment.

  • Inventory Adjustment

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you perform inventory adjustment.

    For reasons of this reason type, in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session, the Billable check box is available.

  • Inventory Shortage

    Reasons of this reason type indicate the cause of the inventory shortage.

  • Inventory Blocking excluding EP

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why inventory is blocked. However, Enterprise Planning can ignore the blocking. For more information, refer to To block and unblock.

  • Inventory Blocking including EP

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why inventory is blocked, also in Enterprise Planning. For more information, refer to To block and unblock.

  • Item/Business Partner Blocking

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why sales purchases documents of a specific item to/from a specific business partner are blocked.

  • Blocked Manufacturer

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you cannot order goods from a manufacturer.

  • Block Manufacturer Part Number

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why you cannot order parts from a manufacturer.

  • Cancel Reason

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a document is canceled.

  • Interruption Reason

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why work for a service order is temporarily suspended.

  • Success/Failure Reason

    Reasons of this reason type indicate the reason for success or failure of a document.

  • Scrap Tools

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a tool is scrapped in Tools Requirement Planning in Manufacturing.

  • Tool Adjustment

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a tool is added in Tools Requirement Planning in Manufacturing.

  • Cost Peg Transfer

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a cost peg transfer occurs.

  • Project Peg Audit History

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why project pegs are manually added, removed, or modified.

  • Rework / Overissue

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why rework is required or why a quantity of material is issued above the estimated quantity.

    For reasons of this reason type, in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session, the Billable check box is available.

  • Service Inspection

    Reasons of this reason type indicate why a service inspection is performed.