Invoice Type

  • Advance Receipt Request
  • Material
  • Not Applicable
  • Labor
  • Equipment
  • Tooling
  • Traveling
  • Subcontracting
  • Helpdesk
  • Freight
  • Interest
  • WIP Transfer
  • Installment
  • Triangular
  • Holdback
  • Installment Additional Costs
  • Pay from Receipt
  • Other
  • Warehouse Order
  • Schedules
  • Retrobilling
  • Credit Note
  • Cost Plus
  • Debit Note
  • Freight Order
  • Direct Delivery
  • Rebate Lines
  • PCS Order
  • Extension
  • Contract Delivery
  • Unit Rate
  • Activity
  • Progress Payment Request
    • You can use the progress payment requests for settlement with other invoices such as, installment.
    • You can only process a single progress payment request for an invoice.
    • The progress payment requests result in a special report layout; the Contractor's Request for Progress Payment (SF 1443) form which is mandatory for the contractors working for the US Government. The report is used for invoices of type, Progress Payment Request.
    • When posting the revenue integration transactions related to the progress payment requests, the integration document types, Project Revenue / Progress Payment are used. This is reversed when the progress payment request is settled with subsequent invoice.
  • Progress
  • Fees & Penalties
  • Advance Invoice
  • Advance Payment Request
  • Manual Sales
  • Sales Order
  • Contract Installment