Amounts entered in Financials

  • Gross

    The gross amount is entered.

    The gross includes the tax amount. LN calculates the tax amount and the net amount.

    Example of Gross amount
    Tax rate16
    Entered gross amount232
    Calculated tax amount232 * 16/116 = 32
    Calculated net amount232 - 32 = 200


  • Net

    The net amount is entered.

    The net amount does not include the tax amount. LN calculates the tax amount and the gross amount.

    Example of Net amount
    Tax rate16
    Entered net amount200
    Calculated tax amount200 * 16/100 = 32
    Calculated gross amount200 + 32 = 232



    If the level of tax calculation is Invoice Header, amounts entered are always gross amounts, even if - in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000) session - Amounts Entered in Financials is set to Net.

  • Gross over Hundred

    The gross amount is entered.

    The gross amount does not include the tax amount. LN calculates the tax amount and the net amount. The tax amount is calculated as a percentage of the gross amount.

    In some countries this method is used for travel and accommodation costs.

    Example of Gross over Hundred amount
    Tax rate16
    Entered gross amount232
    Calculated tax amount232 * 16/100 = 37.12
    Calculated net amount232 - 37.12 = 194.88