Bond Master (tccom9141m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to create a bond.


Bond Type

The type of bond. This field can have the following values

  • B1
  • B17
Bond Category

The bond category. This field can have the following values

  • Surety
  • Security
Bond Number (Own)

The serial number of the bond for internal reference. Use the browse arrow to select the series from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Bond Number (External)

The serial number of the bond provided by the government.

Folio Number

The folio number of the bond.


The entity code.

ECC Code
Bond Value

The total value of the bond.

Bond Factor

The factor(number) by which the bond must be multiplied, if the Bond Type is set to Customs Warehousing.

Bond Utiliized

The utilized amount of the bond.

Bond Balance

The balance amount of the bond.


The currency in which the bond value is defined.

Date of Issue

The date on which the bond is issued.

Date of Expiry

The date when the bond code for a specific bond expires.

Place of Issue

The place where the bond is issued.

Certificate Number

The exemption certificate (CT1/CT2, CT3) number.

Transaction Date

The date on which the transaction occurs.

Update RG1 Value

If this check box is selected, based on the bond value and bond utilized amount RG1 register is updated.

Bond Status

The status of the bond. This field can have the following values

  • Active
  • Closed
  • Cancelled
  • Free


Print Bond Master

Starts the Print Bond Master (tccom9441m000) session, that prints the bond master data.