Excise Range By Address (tccom9138m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to link the excise range details to an address. Each warehouse, purchase office or sales office that deals with excisable goods must have the address code with the excise range details specified in this session.


Address Code

The address of the warehouse, purchase office or sales office. Use the browse arrow to select the address from the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session.


For an address code you can link only one excise range code.

City Description

The city mentioned in the address code.

Range Code

The excise range. Use the browse arrow to select the excise range from the Excise Range (tccom9137m00l) session.


You can link a range code with multiple address codes representing the various warehouses, purchase offices or sales offices in the excise range.


The description or name of the code.


Print Excise Range by Address

Starts the Print Excise Range by Address (tccom9438m00l) session, which prints the excise range details of the selected address codes.