Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4520m000)

Use this session to view buy-from business partners, which you can enter or maintain in the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) details session.

When you double-click a record, or click the New button, the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session is started.


This session can be displayed in different views. When you change the view, LN changes the session's title bar, column sequence, and the number of view fields. If you click Sort by on the View menu, you can choose to sort the buy-from business partners by:

  • Business Partner
  • Search Key, Business Partner
  • Address, Business Partner


Buy-from Business Partner

business partner status

If there are outstanding sales orders or open invoices for the business partner, you cannot change the status from Active to Prospect.

Allowed values

Business Partner Status


The city in which the buy-from business partner is established.


The country in which the buy-from business partner is established.

Phone Number

The buy-from business partner's telephone number.

Search Key

The search key to find the business partner.

LN automatically fills this field with the first 16 positions of the business partner's name. The letters are converted into capitals.

Creation Date

The date and time at which the business partner was defined.


The buy-from business partner's address.

Parent Business Partner
ZIP Code/Postal Code

The buy-from business partner's ZIP code.


The state or province where the buy-from business partner resides.

House Number

The buy-from business partner's house number.


The buy-from business partner's fax number.


The buy-from business partner's website.

Start Date

The date and time when this status takes effect.

If you leave this field empty, the status takes effect immediately.

End Date

The expiry date and time of the business partner's status.

If you leave this field empty, the status continues.


The language used for documents addressed to the business partner. If no document is available in this language, the document in the company language is used.


The area in which the buy-from business partner is established.

Line of Business

The buy-from business partner's line of business, which is used as a sorting criterion for statistics.

Business Partner Signal

If you select a signal here, the signal message is displayed when you enter the business-partner code in an LN session.

Related topics

Business Partner Type
Vendor Rating

If you want to apply vendor rating to the business partner, select this check box.

Vendor Classification

The business partner's classification as a result of vendor rating.


To retrieve the business partner's vendor classification, LN uses the last record from the Vendor Ratings by Criterion (tdpur8102m100) session for which the Criteria Type field is Period Rating.

Business Partner for Statistics Update

The business partner for whom LN updates the statistics in Order Management with transactions from the current business partner.

For example, you can enter the parent business partner. If this field is empty, LN updates the statistics for the current business partner.

Related topics


The business partner's calendar.


The business partner's default contact.

Rate Determiner

The way in which LN determines the exchange rate that is used in purchase orders.

Use Purchase Rates for Receipts

If this check box is selected, LN uses purchase rate data for the debit side of the purchase order/receipt transaction.

Purchase Price List

The price list used to link price and/or discount agreements to the business partner.

These agreements can be overruled by other price agreements that you reach with a buy-from business partner.

Order Discount

The default order discount percentage that you apply to the business partner's purchase orders.

Business Partner for Prices/Discounts

Prices and discounts for purchase orders to the buy-from business partner must be based on the terms and conditions agreed with the business partner selected in this field.

If you leave this field empty, LN applies the prices and discounts that you agreed with the buy-from business partner specified on the purchase order.


This business partner must have the same parent business-partner as the buy-from business partner defined in this session.

Purchase Office

The purchase office that LN uses by default for purchases from the buy-from business partner.

If you define a purchase office as the enterprise unit's default purchase office in the Departments (tcemm1124m000) session, LN uses the enterprise unit's default purchase office for automatically generated purchase orders.


The employee of your company responsible for contact with the buy-from business partner.

Purchase Order Type

The default purchase order type for purchase orders.

If you leave this field empty, LN takes the default order type from the User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session.

Our Customer Number

The identification or code that the business partner uses for your organization.

List Group

The list group used to find the list item components when you buy a list item from this business partner.

Print Purchase Order by Exception

If this check box is selected, only new and changed purchase order lines to which you assign a purchase acknowledgement code are printed on the purchase order.

In this way, you can control which changes to the purchase order lines are printed on the next purchase order. This accommodates buy-from business partners who wish to receive a printed purchase order in special cases only. For example, when you have changed the delivery date, item, or price.

If this check box is cleared, purchase orders are printed for all order lines, regardless of the acknowledgement codes.


If this check box is selected, self-billing is used by default for purchase orders that you issue to this buy-from business partner.

Related topics

Invoice After

If self-billing is applicable, use this field to define the stage at which self billed invoices can be generated.

  • Inspection
    Self bills can be generated after the goods are inspected and approved.
  • Receipt
    Self bills can be generated after the goods are received or consumed.

Related topics

Self-Billing Date type

If the Self-Billing check box is selected, use this field to define on which date the self-billing payments are based. Either the receipt date or the shipping date can be used as the invoice date on self-billed invoices.

Related topics

Generate Release per Vehicle

If this check box is selected, LN sends EDI messages for the releases of shipments sorted by end item instead of sorted by the supplied item. In the automotive industry, the vehicle is an end item.

This check box is only relevant for sequence shipping schedules.

This check box is the default setting for the business partner of the Message per Vehicle check box in the Purchase Releases (tdpur3120m000) session. You can change the setting on the purchase release header.

Environmental Compliance Declared

Worldwide, various regulations exist to limit the use of hazardous chemical substances in electronic equipment preventing environmental pollution.

Companies, in most cases producers of electronic equipment, are legally required to:

  • Set up and control compliancy rules.
  • Verify whether purchased, engineered, manufactured, and serviced material is compliant.
  • Verify whether their work processes are compliant.

If this check box is selected, the business partner works in compliance with the regulations preventing environmental pollution.

Item Cross Reference

The default alternative way of communicating with the business partner about items.


You can only set this field to MPN if the Manufacturer Part Numbers Implemented check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Allowed values

Item Cross Reference

Use Confirmation

If this check box is selected, ordered quantities must be confirmed by the customer. Therefore, the Confirmation Accepted check box must be selected before a purchase order or schedule can be released to Warehousing.


This field is only visible if the Use Confirmation (Purchase) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Delivery Terms

The delivery terms agreed with the business partner.

Related topics

Point of Title Passage

The default point of title passage used for the business partner.

Related topics

Return Delivery Terms

The delivery terms agreed with the business partner concerning the delivery of goods in case of a return order.

Ship-from Business Partner

The default ship-from business partner that issues the goods that you buy from the buy-from business partner.

Schedule Quantity Qualifier

The types of quantities that are communicated to the supplier.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner from whom you receive invoices connected with the purchase orders that you send to this buy-from business partner.


One of the following must be true:

  • The buy-from business partner and the invoice-from business partner have the same parent business partner.
  • The buy-from business partner is the invoice-from business partner's parent.
Invoice Business Partner for Freight

If this check box is selected, you charge the business partner for the freight costs of the goods that you purchased.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.