Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain pay-by business partners.

You can start this session from:

  • The Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4514m000) overview session, by double-clicking a record, or by entering a new pay-by business partner.
  • The Business Partners (tccom4500m000) overview session, by clicking Pay-by Business Partner on the appropriate menu.
  • The Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session, by clicking the Pay-by button.
  • Stand-alone.

The lines on the tabs refer to these sessions:

Related topics


Pay-by Business Partner

The department that is linked to the business-partner role. The business partner's financial data for the role is registered in the financial company to which the department is linked.


The pay-by business partner's address.

Address Line 1

The first part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 1 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 2

The second part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 2 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 3

The third part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 3 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 4

The fourth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 4 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 5

The fifth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 5 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 6

The sixth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 6 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Business Phone

The phone number at the business address.


If a full business phone number is specified, based on the field values in the Phone Number Data group box of the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, the full number is automatically split in the Business Phone Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s200) session. Click the Details button to start this session.


The business partner's primary contact.


If this field is filled, the pay-by business partner is also linked to the contact in the Business Partner Roles by Contact (tccom4546m000) session.

Full Name

The contact's full name.


Use this field to enter a text related to the pay-by business partner.

Business Partner Status

The date and time when this status takes effect.

If you leave this field empty, the status takes effect immediately.


The expiry date and time of the business partner's status.

If you leave this field empty, the status continues.

Created by

The user who defined the pay-by business partner.

Creation Date

The date the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data was created.

Last Modified by

The user who last modified the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data.

Last Modification Date

The date the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data was last modified.


The language used for documents addressed to the business partner. If no document is available in this language, the document in the company language is used.

Business Partner Signal

If you select a signal here, the signal message is displayed when you enter the business-partner code in an LN session.

Related topics

Business Partner Type

The business partner's payment calendar.

You can optionally use payment calendars to determine the due dates for sales invoices and purchase invoices. On the payment calendar, you can indicate bank holidays and other periods during which your company or the pay-by business partner cannot make payments.

Fax Number

The business partner's fax number at the business address.


If a full fax number is specified, based on the field values in the Phone Number Data group box of the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, the full number is automatically split in the Fax Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s300) session. Click the Details button to start this session.


The business partner's default currency.

Exchange Rate Type

The exchange-rate type for sales purposes.

Default value

The sales exchange-rate type you selected for the current company in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

Bank Account

The business partner's bank which makes payments to your bank relation.

Bank Account

The business partner's bank account number.

International Bank Account Number. An international standard account identifier for identifying an account held by a financial institution, in order to facilitate automated processing of cross border transactions. The IBAN is provided by the bank/branch servicing the account.

Bank Relation

Your bank relation at which you receive payments from the business partner.

This bank relation is the default bank relation for direct debit advices.

Extra Days after Due Date

The average number of days after the invoice due date when the cash transaction takes place. For example, the number of days that the bank needs to transfer the money.

For example, if the Extra Days After Due Date field is 2, and the invoice due date is 10 July, the expected payment date is 12 July.

Reminder Method

The reminder method you use for the business partner.

Remit-to Address

The address to which the invoice must be paid instead of the address the business partner has registered for your organization. You can print this address on the invoice as a reminder for the business partner.

For example, a remittance address is used when payment is done by postal check. This avoids loss of interest during the time before the check reaches your organization.

Print Receipt Acknowledgement

If you must generate and print receipt acknowledgements for the business partner, select this check box.

If this check box is selected, you can select receipts of the business partner in the Select Receipts For Acknowledgement (tfcmg2200m000) session.

Revenue Stamp Tax Applicable

If this check box is selected, revenue stamp tax is imposed on the documents that you exchange with the business partner.

Related topics

Trade Note Division Method

When you create a trade note, if you select a division method, LN divides the trade note amount according to the selected division method and generates a number of trade notes for the resulting amounts. Apart from the division method, such a division is also subject to the maximum number of trade notes that you can generate for the business partner, and the minimum amount for which a trade note can be created.

You can only select Revenue Stamp Tax Division after you select the Revenue Stamp Tax Applicable check box and click Save to save the business partner details.

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Maximum Number of TNs Allowed

The maximum number of trade notes that can be generated for the business partner per transaction. Business partners inform you about the maximum number of trade notes they wish to receive for one payment.

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Accounting Office



Starts the Pay-by Business Partner Details (tccom4116m000) session, in which you can link a default reason for payment to the business partner.

Bank Account

Starts the Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000) session, in which you can maintain or display the business partner's bank details.