Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000)

This session contains:

  • A history list of the data and their effective dates. If you work in a multicompany structure, the data of all the companies of the structure are listed.
  • The current data, at the top of the list (without an effective date).

To view historical settings, double-click one of the historical sets. To enter the initial parameters of a new company, click New on the File menu. To view or change the current company, double-click the line without an introduction date that appears at the top of the list.

To define or change the implemented software components you must have the required authorizations.

If you make the required changes and save the new company data, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set to the history list
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list)


Introduction Date

The date and time that the company data is valid. The company data is valid up to the effective date of a more recent company data setting.


The description of the company data. For example, you can indicate why you change the company data.


The company number.


The name or description of the company.

Archive Company

If this check box is selected, the company is an archive company.


The company's home country. For example, this is important for tax reporting.


If you use a multicompany structure with an independent multicurrency system, you must select the same country for every company. The company's currency system is selected in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

Mailing Number

The consignor's number. This number is the member number or customer number assigned to your organization by the carrier.


The default language used for instructions and documents printed in the company.

Related topics

Address Code

The default company address.

Tax Number of Own Company

The company's tax number that must be used on tax declarations and tax reports.

Financials (TF)

If financial transactions must be logged, you must select this check box. The package must have been installed on your system.

If this check box is selected, LN generates integration transactions for all transactions that have an effect in Financials. You can only create logistic transactions if an active integration mapping scheme is available.

You must select the Financials (TF) check box if:

  • The company uses Financials.
  • The company uses Invoicing.
  • The company does not use Financials, but uses an external financial application. You must select the check box because financial transactions must be logged and passed on to the external application.
Freight Management (FM)

If the company uses Freight, you must select this check box. The package must have been installed on your system.

Project (TP)

If the company uses Project, you must select this check box. Project must have been installed on your system.

Warehouse Management (WH)

If the company uses Warehousing, you must select this check box. Warehousing must have been installed on your system.

Assembly Planning (APL)

If the company uses the Assembly Planning module, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Enterprise Planning (CP)

If the company uses Enterprise Planning, you must select this check box. Enterprise Planning must have been installed on your system.

Service (TS)

If the company uses Service, you must select this check box. Service must have been installed on your system.

Central Invoicing (CI)

If the company uses Invoicing, you must select this check box. You must also select the Financials (TF) check box. The packages must have been installed on your system.


This check box is only available if company is of type Financial or Both, and Financials is implemented.

Order Management (TD)

If the company uses Order Management, you must select this check box.

The following must have been installed on your system:

  • CRM
  • Sales
  • Procurement
  • Pricing
Quality Management (QM)

If the company uses Quality, you must select this check box. The package must have been installed on your system.

Electronic Commerce (EC)

If the company uses Electronic Commerce, you must select this check box. The package must have been installed on your system.

Manufacturing (TI)

If the company uses Manufacturing, you must select this check box. The package must have been installed on your system.

Tool Requirements Planning (TRP)

If the company uses the Tools Requirement Planning module, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Project Control (PCS)

If the company uses the Project Control module, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Engineering Revisions

If the company uses the LN functionality to handle revision numbers of engineering items, you must select this check box. If you do so, the items that the company uses in Manufacturing are revision controlled.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Repetitive Manufacturing (RPT)

If the company uses the Repetitive Manufacturing module, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Product Configurator (PCF)

If the company uses the Product Configuration module, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Unit Effectivity

If the company uses the unit effectivity module, you must select this check box.

People (BP)

If the company uses People, you must select this check box. People must have been installed on your system.

Object Data Management (DM)

If the company uses Data Management, you must select this check box. Data Management must have been installed on your system.

Infor SCM Planner

If you want to use the Infor SCM Planner integration for constraint-based advanced planning, you must install Infor SCM Planner and select this check box.

Infor SCM Scheduler

If you want to use the Infor SCM Scheduler integration for finite capacity scheduling and batch-processing of production orders, you must install Infor SCM Scheduler and select this check box.

Order Promising Server

If you want to use the Order Promising Server integration to handle sales orders across multiple companies, you must install Order Promising Server and select this check box.


This check box is only available if Infor SCM Planner is implemented.

Assembly Control (ASC)

If the company uses the Assembly Control module, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

EU Sales Listing

If you want LN to collect the data required for the sales listing, select this check box. The data is collected in the Accounts Receivable module of Financials.

EU Statistical Reporting

If you want LN to collect the data required for the Intrastat declaration, select this check box. If this check box is cleared, you cannot set up the Intrastat declaration data. From the moment when you save this data, LN logs the transaction data that is required to generate the EU Intrastat declaration.

EU Purchase Listing

If the company uses Relations Management, you must select this check box.

  • This check box is only available if Order Management is implemented.
  • This check box is unavailable if no opportunities exist in the Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000) session.
Reference Designators

If you want to use reference designators, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

DAS 2 Reporting

To enable the DAS 2 report functionality, select this check box.

If this check box is cleared, the fields and sessions related to the DAS 2 report are not visible and you cannot set up or generate the DAS 2 report.

Related topics

Customer Approval

If the company uses the customer approval procedure in Sales, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if both of the following applies:

  • Order Management is implemented.
  • Project Pegging is cleared.
Use Up and Alternative Materials

If the company uses the functionality for use-up materials and alternative materials, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Manufacturing is implemented.

Delivery Notes

If the company uses delivery notes, you must select this check box.

If you want to clear this check box, you must set the value of the Delivery Note field in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session to Not Applicable for all warehouses defined for the current company.

Related topics

Purchase/Sales Statistics (STA)

If the company uses the Statistics module in Sales and Procurement, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Order Management is implemented.

Withholding Income Tax and Social Contribution

If the company registers and declares withholding tax and social contributions on purchase invoices, you must select this check box.

  • This check box is only available if company is of type Financial or Both, and Financials is implemented.
  • This check box is unavailable if invoices associated with withholding social contributions exist in Accounts Payable.
Chamber of Commerce ID

The company's registration number at the chamber of commerce.

Fiscal Identification

The company's fiscal identification for social contributions.

Grand Total Rounding

If the company uses a grand total rounding factor, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if company is of type Financial or Both.

Related topics


If the company uses the tax functionality, you must select this check box.


If you do not want to use the LN tax functionality, clear this check box. In addition, you must perform the steps described in To deactivate the tax functionality.

Manufacturer Part Numbers Implemented

If the company uses manufacturer part numbers in Procurement and Warehousing, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if either of the following applies:

  • Order Management is implemented.
  • Warehousing is implemented.
Ownership Internal

If this check box is selected, you can store inventory with an internal business partner as owner. This is applicable for inventory for which payment to the external business partner is already made by the purchase office, while the goods are not owned yet by the internal business partner of the warehouse.

You can specify internal ownership behavior in terms and conditions agreements of the Internal type.


This check box is only available if Terms and Conditions is implemented.

Ownership External

If this check box is selected, you can keep track of customer and supplier owned inventory and planned inventory, which is required in certain vendor managed inventory (VMI) scenarios.

You can specify external ownership behavior in terms and conditions agreements of the Purchase or Sales type.


This check box is unavailable if any of the following applies:

Customer Furnished Materials

If this check box is selected, the company makes use of customer furnished materials in the manufacture of standard items.


This check box is only available if Ownership External is selected.

Subcontracting with Material Flow

If the company uses subcontracting with material flow in a manufacturer role, you must select this check box.

Demand Pegging

If the company uses demand pegging, you must select this check box.


This check box is unavailable if Project Pegging is selected.

VMI (supplier side)

If the company uses vendor managed inventory (VMI) in a supplier role, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if both of the following applies:

  • Terms and Conditions is implemented.
  • Ownership External is selected.
VMI (customer side)

If the company uses vendor managed inventory (VMI) in a customer role, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if both of the following applies:

  • Terms and Conditions is implemented.
  • Ownership External is selected.
Use Confirmation (Sales)

If the company requires sold quantities to be confirmed by the customer before an order can be approved or a schedule can be released to Warehousing, you must select this check box.

If this check box is selected, the confirmation fields (required quantity, confirmed quantity, confirmation date) are enabled on the sales order line and sales schedule line.


This check box is available only if the Order Management (TD) check box is also selected in this session.

If this check box is selected, the same check box must be selected in (one of) the following sessions to use this functionality:

  • Terms and Conditions Lines (tctrm1120m000)
  • Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000)
Use Confirmation (Purchase)

If the company requires ordered quantities to be confirmed by the supplier before an order or schedule can be released to Warehousing, you must select this check box.

If this check box is selected, the confirmation fields (required quantity, confirmed quantity, confirmation date, confirmation accepted) are enabled on the purchase order line and purchase schedule line.


This check box is only available if Order Management is implemented.

If this check box is selected, the same check box must be selected in (one of) the following sessions to use this functionality:

  • Terms and Conditions Lines (tctrm1120m000)
  • Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000)
Terms and Conditions (TRM)

If the company uses the Terms and Conditions module, you must select this check box.

Customer and Supplier List Italy

If the company is located in Italy, you must select this check box.

Business Partner Type
Line of Business

A group of customers, suppliers, or employees that work in the same business sector.

Lines of business can be used as selection criteria when generating reports or inquiries of statistical and historical data.

Creditor Identifier

The creditor identifier (CI) that is required in the SEPA direct debit file. The identifier entered here will be defaulted to the Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000) session, where it can be overwritten.

Business Entity Identifier

The optional business entity identifier (BEI) for the direct debit company in the SEPA direct debit file.

Budget Control

To enable the Budget Control functionality, select this check box.


This check box is only available if company is of type Financial or Both, and Financials is implemented.

PCM Configurator Integration

If the company uses the PCM Configurator, you must select this check box.

Landed Costs

To enable landed costs functionality, select this check box.


This check box is unavailable if one of the following applies:

  • The company is of type Financial or Both, and landed cost lines are created in Financials.
  • The company is of type Logistic or Both, and landed cost lines are created in Logistics.
Functionality for Bulgaria

If the company is located in Bulgaria, you must select this check box.

You can then create the following tax reports:

  • DEKLAR (tax declaration)
  • POKUPKI (purchase register)
  • PRODAJBI (sales register)
  • PROTOKOL (specification of tax amounts, rate, and nature of the invoice by invoice line)

In addition to this, a dedicated electronic payment format for Bulgaria will be available.

Project Pegging

If the company uses project pegging, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if all of the following applies:

  • The Project package is implemented.
  • Demand Pegging is cleared.
  • Customer Approval is cleared.

Performance aspects

  • Effect on CPU: Yes
  • Effect on database growth: Yes

    The number of transactions registered in the Cost History (tpppc2100m000) session increases.

Self-Billing (Purchase)

To enable self-billing functionality for purchase orders, select this check box.

Related topics

Self-Billing (Sales)

To enable self-billing functionality for sales orders, select this check box.

Related topics

Withholding Tax for Israel

If the company is located in Israel, you must select this check box.

  • If you select this check box, you must use the Business Partner Withholding Tax Rates (tccom1128m000) session to specify tax rates by business partner. Otherwise, LN will use the tax rate as specified in the Tax Classifications (tctax0116m000) session.
  • This check box is only available if both of the following apply:

    • Withholding Income Tax and Social Contribution is selected.
    • In the Group Company Parameters (tfgld0501m000) session, Segment Reporting is cleared.
SIA Company Code

The code assigned by the Società Interbancaria per l’Automazione (Interbank Association for Automation) to the current company.

This code is used in the following sessions:

  • Transfer Direct Debits (tfcmg4260s000)
  • Selected Trade Notes Receivable for Processing (tfcmg4526m000)
  • Audit Direct Debit Batch (tfcmg4255m000)
Costing Breaks

If the company uses costing breaks, you must select this check box.


This check box is only available if Project Pegging is selected.

Related topics

Supplier Stage Payments

If the company uses supplier stage payments, you must select this check box.


This check box is available only if the Order Management (TD) check box is also selected in this session.

If you want to clear this check box, no actual stage payment lines or unprocessed stage payment history lines can be available for a Purchase Order Line or RFQ Response.

Material Pricing

If the company uses Material Pricing, you must select this check box.


This check box is available only if the Order Management (TD) check box is also selected in this session.

Show Hours in Costing

If this check box is selected, hours are not only logged, but also displayed in various costing sessions for the company.

If this check box is cleared, hours are logged, but not displayed in costing sessions.


General Company Data