Using NCR for Handling Units in Quarantine

The quarantine inventory can be managed using handling units. If a handling unit is linked to an NCR, Infor LN splits the NCR based on the handling units and not on the basis of lots and serials.

A handling unit can be linked to an NCR only if the if the stock point details (serials, lot, quantity etc.) are the same.

Processing quarantine inventory for an NCR with handling units
Step 1. 

In the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000), select the Scrap and/or Quarantine or the Quarantine option, for an item.

Note If the Scrap option is selected, the Quarantine Inventory command is disabled.

Step 2. 

In the Testing Combinations (qmptc0111m000) session, create a combination for the required item and the standard test procedure.

Step 3. 

In the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session, create and approve a purchase order the for the item.

Step 4. 

In the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session:

  • Click the Generate Handling Unit option to create a handling unit for the specified warehouse receipt line.
  • Click the Handling Unit option to generate the lots and serials for the item.
  • Confirm the warehouse receipt.

Note You cannot confirm the warehouse receipts until the lots and serials are generated for the item linked to the handling unit in the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.

Step 5. 

In the Inspection Order (qmptc1100m100) session, specify the test data for the inspection order lines and complete the inspection order.

Note The test data is specified only for the items and not the handling unit.

Step 6. 

In the Inspection Order (qmptc1100m100) session, the Result of the Order Inspection (qmptc1620m000) session can be set to Partially Accepted/ Rejected.

Step 7. 

Complete and process the order inspection.

Step 8. 

In the Warehouse Inspection (whinh3622m000) session:

  • Review the accepted and rejected items defaulted by Infor LN from the Order Inspection (qmptc1620m000) session .
  • Review if the Handling Unit(s) Present check box is selected and the Handling Unit field is defaulted by Infor LN.
  • In the Handling Unit tab:
    • Click Inspect Handling Unit option.
    • In the Inspect Handling Unit (whinh2234m000) session:
      • Specify the handling unit and click Stock Point Details button.
      • In the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session, view the lot/serial item linked to the handling unit and specify if the item is accepted or rejected based on the inspection order data.
    • Review the accepted/rejected quantity defaulted in the Handling Unit tab.
  • Process the warehouse inspection. Note You cannot process the warehouse inspection if the inspection details for the lots and serials do not match the inspection results of the handling units.
  • Click the quarantine inventory option.
Step 9. 

In the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session:

  • Review the number of items that are quarantined.
  • Click Report to create a non-conformance report for the rejected quantity.

Note If a Non-conformance exists for warehouse inspection, this NCR is linked to Quarantine Inventory when created.

Step 10. 

In the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session, disposition the non conformance. For more information on how to execute the non-conformance, refer to Non-Conformance Report & Dispositions Process.

  • You can use the Split NCR option to create individual NCRs based on the disposition requirement, for the items in quarantine. Infor LN splits the NCR, based on the handling units.
  • If the Disposition field is set to Reclassify or Rework (to New Specification) you can specify a To Item to which the non-conforming item must be transferred.
Step 11. 

Click the Handling Units option to view the handling units linked to an NCR in the Non-Conformance Handling Units (qmncm1120m000) session. Note You must specify values in this session, if multiple NCRs are linked to the Quarantine Inventory.

Step 12. 

After disposition, Infor LN updates the Disposition, Reason and To Item fields in the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session.

Step 13. 

In the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session:

  • Review the disposition lines.
  • Process the quarantine inventory order.

Infor LN creates a disposition order and defaults this value in the Disposition Order and Disposition Order Origin fields in the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session.

Step 14. 

Close the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session.