Recalculation of invoice amount for shipment differences

The Recalculate for Shipment Differences parameter controls the way freight invoice amounts of freight order lines are recalculated. Freight invoice amounts may have to be recalculated if the shipped quantity of goods is less than the ordered quantity for which the freight invoice amount is calculated, or if an over-delivery has occurred.

During loading, transporting, and unloading, the quantity of the goods that must be transported can change due to a variety of reasons, such as damage during loading or insufficient transport capacity. Similarly, over-deliveries may occur. For example, if a customer orders 14 pieces of a given article and the article is delivered in boxes containing 15 pieces. In all such cases, an organization must be enabled to recalculate invoice amounts.

The following recalculation settings are available:

  • Automatic.
  • Manual.

If the invoicing method is Client Rates:

The Invoice Amount is automatically recalculated.

If the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed):

The estimated costs of the load or shipment created from the freight order line are automatically recalculated, and the Invoice Amount field in the Freight Invoicing Information (fmfri0110m000) session is updated.


If the invoicing method is Client Rates:

The Recalculate Invoice Amount check box of the Freight Invoicing Information (fmfri0110m000) session is automatically selected. Therefore, for the best results you must recalculate the invoice amount, but you can choose to manually change the invoice amount or not to change the invoice amount.

If the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed):

The Recalculate for Invoice Amount check box in the shipment line is selected, and this triggers the selection of the Recalculate Invoice Amount check box of the Freight Invoicing Information (fmfri0110m000) session.

If the Invoice Amount Binding check box of the Freight Invoicing Information (fmfri0110m000) session is selected, the parameter value is ignored. Recalculation is not possible in this case.

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