Freight Details (fmlbd3552m000)

Use this session to view the load building information of the current order line. Freight details are shown if the current order line is related to a freight order line for which load building is carried out, and the load plan in which the current order line is included has the Actual or greater than Actual status. This session shows the following information about the order line:

  • The load that includes the order line.
  • The shipment that includes the order line.
  • The status of the shipment that includes the order line.
  • The planned quantity of the item of the order line by shipment line.
  • The actual quantity of the item of the order line by shipment line.
  • Planned load and unload dates.
  • Actual load and unload dates.
  • The freight service level provided for the transportation of shipment in which the current order line is included.
  • The shipping office that is responsible for the transportation of the load and the shipment.
  • The carrier that will carry out the transportation of the load and the shipment.

If the load plan has not yet reached the Actual status, a message appears saying that the load plan is not yet actual.



The load in which the shipment of the current order line is included.


The carrier that carries out the transportation of the load to which the current order line belongs.

Carrier PRO Number (Load)

The number given by the carrier to identify the load. The carrier uses this number to track the load.


The shipment in which the current order line is included.

Carrier PRO Number (Shipment)

The number given by the carrier to identify the shipment. The carrier uses this number to track the shipment.


The status of the shipment in which the current order line is included. Shipments that have the Actual or greater than Actual status are shown in this session.

Shipment Procedure

The shipment procedure that is carried out for the shipment that includes the current order line.

Freight Service Level

The freight service level provided for the transportation of shipment in which the current order line is included.

Planned Load Date

The date and time planned for loading the load and shipment that include the goods listed on the current order line.

Actual Load Date

The date on which loading the load and shipment that include the goods listed on the current order line actually takes place.

Planned Unload Date

The date planned for unloading the load and shipment that include the goods listed on the current order line.

Actual Unload Date

The date on which unloading the load and shipment that include the goods listed on the current order line actually takes place.

Freight Order Line

The identification number of the freight order that is created from the current order.

Freight Order Line

The position number of the freight order line that is created from the current order line.


Print Shipments

Starts the Print Shipments (fmlbd3400m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.