Freight Orders (fmfoc2100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain freight orders. This session displays freight orders that are created manually or have been generated, either automatically or by batch, from the following types of orders:

  • Sales
  • Purchase
  • Warehouse
  • Enterprise planning

You can offer freight orders to a carrier to carry out the transportation of the goods listed on the freight orders. When you offer freight order lines to a carrier, you can create a load plan for the freight order lines first using the load building engine, or you can offer the freight orders without planning using the clustering functionality. For further information, see Subcontracting.


Use the Maps section to view the location of the Ship-from Address and the Ship-to Address. You must select only one record at a time.

To create freight orders manually

In this session you can create new freight order headers. Freight order headers include general freight order information such as planned load and unload dates, addresses, the freight order type, the responsible shipping office, and so on. The default data of the selected freight order type are automatically entered in the freight order. Other freight order default values can be set in the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000).

You can add freight order lines to the freight order header in the Freight Order Lines (fmfoc2101m000) session, which you can access as follows:

  • If you are viewing the list of freight orders, select a freight order, and on the appropriate menu, select the Lines option.
  • If you are defining a freight order header, click the Lines button in the upper left of the window.

New freight orders automatically receive the Expected status.

To modify or delete freight orders

The freight order status determines whether freight orders can be changed or deleted.

If the originating order of a freight order is modified, these changes are reflected in freight order. If the originating order is deleted, the freight order is also deleted.

The following data cannot be modified if the freight order originates from another order:

  • Shipping office
  • Originating office
  • Ship-from details
  • Ship-to details
  • Carrier
  • Delivery terms
  • Route plan
  • Service level

The relevant fields will be disabled.

You can change load and unload dates if the freight order status allow modifications. For more information, refer to Late and early execution of transport.

To change loading and unloading dates/times of manually created freight orders

If you change the default earliest and latest loading and unloading dates/times of a manually created freight order, the earliest unloading date/time must be later than the earliest loading date/time augmented with the transportation time of the goods. If the earliest and latest loading and unloading dates/times are not entered correctly, an error message is displayed.

If a manually created freight order has freight order lines, the following data cannot be modified:

  • Shipping office
  • Ship-from details
  • Ship-to details
  • Load and unload dates if the status of the freight order is less than Actual.

The fields where this data is entered will be disabled.

You can record history overviews of changes in freight orders. If the Log Freight Order History check box is selected, history records are generated to log the consecutive versions of a freight order.



The identifying number of the current freight order.


The status of the current freight order.

Related topics

Shipping Office

A department that is responsible for the organization of transportation for one or more warehouses. When goods are moved from or to a warehouse, the responsible shipping office plans the transportation of these goods or subcontracts the transportation of the goods. In direct delivery scenarios, the shipping office provides planning or transport subcontracting services for external suppliers or customers.

In Freight, a shipping office plays a key role in load building and freight order clustering. Freight orders are grouped by shipping office. The groups of freight orders by shipping office are used by the load building engine to build shipments and loads, or by the freight order clustering engine to build freight order clusters.


reference This field is a text entry field.

Load Planning

If this check box is selected, the freight order is available for load building. If this check box is cleared, the freight order is available for freight order clustering.

Single Shipment

If this check box is selected, all freight order lines of the current freight order are grouped into a single shipment, without order lines from other freight orders, if you use the load building functionality to plan the freight order.

If the capacity of the transport means group is insufficient, LN can create additional shipments to distribute the goods across the required number of vehicles. However, even then, the shipments will only contain shipment lines created from the freight order lines of the current freight order.

This check box is automatically selected and unavailable in the following situations:

  • The current freight order is generated from a warehousing order with a warehousing order type for which the Single Order per Shipment check box is selected.
  • The current freight order is generated from a sales order whose order type is associated with a warehousing order type for which the Single Order per Shipment check box is selected.
  • The current freight order is generated from a sales order whose order type not associated with a warehousing order type, but the Single Order per Shipment check box is selected for the default warehousing order type of the sales order. You can define default warehousing types in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session.

For all other instances of freight orders generated from originating orders, this check box is unavailable and the value is taken from the Single Shipment Order check box in the Freight Order Type - Defaults (fmfmd0165m000) session.

You can change the setting of this check box for freight orders created manually that are not yet being processed.

LN creates single shipments by means of the direct shipping planning method, and also creates single shipments for route plans and standard routes. A single shipment freight order is planned as a single shipment, even if you select a different planning algorithm in the Generate Plan (fmlbd0280m000) session.

If a freight order for which the Single Shipment check box is selected is clustered, the cluster is made up entirely of freight order lines that belong to this freight order. A freight order is available for clustering if the Load Planning check box is cleared for the freight order.

Header Text

If this check box is selected, header text is available for the current freight order. You can write header text in the Header Text field in the Text tab of the current session.

Footer Text

If this check box is selected, footer text exists for the current freight order. You can write footer text in the Footer Text field in the Text tab of the current session.

Planned Load Date

The planned date and time on which loading is to take place at the ship-from location. The planned delivery and receipt dates of the originating order are taken as the default planned load and unload dates. For direct deliveries, the default value is taken from the Planned Delivery Date of the sales order.

Planned Unload Date

The planned date and time on which unloading is to take place at the ship-to location. The planned delivery and receipt dates of the originating order are taken as the default planned load and unload dates. For direct deliveries, the default value is taken from the Planned Receipt Date of the purchase order.

Freight Order Type

A code used to identify and group freight orders.

Order Date

The entry date of the current freight order.


The carrier that is to carry out the transportation of the goods. The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined there. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.

Route Plan

The route plan that you manually enter in a freight order is used by the load building engine to create a load plan, regardless of the planning algorithm used. If you want to use a particular Route Plan to build a load plan for the current freight order, you must enter this Route Plan in this field. To use the load building engine to select the most cost-effective and efficient route, this field and the Route Plan field in the freight order freight order lines must be left empty.

Freight Service Level

The freight service level is used to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line. The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined there. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.

Delivery Terms

delivery terms The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined there. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.

Point of Title Passage

point of title passage The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined there. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.

Motive of Transport

motive of transport This field is available if the delivery note functionality is used for the current freight planning company.

Delivery Code

delivery code This field is available if the delivery note functionality is used for the current freight planning company.


The company for which the ship-from business partner, warehouse, project, or work center is defined.


The type of location or organization from which the goods listed on the freight order lines of the current freight order originate. The value is defaulted from the originating order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the purchase order.


The identification code of the ship-from location or organization. The value is defaulted from the originating order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the purchase order.


The address code of the ship-from location or organization. The default address is taken from the Code field in the Ship-From group box. The value is defaulted from the originating order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the purchase order.


The company for which the ship-to business partner, warehouse, project, or work center is defined.


The type of location or organization for which the goods listed on the freight order lines of the current freight order are destined. This is the location or organization where the goods are unloaded. The value is defaulted from the originating order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.


The identification code of the ship-to location or organization. For further information, see The use of addresses in Freight Management. The value is defaulted from the originating order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.


The address code of the ship-to location or organization. Default values are taken from the Ship-to Code. For further information, see The use of addresses in Freight Management. The value is defaulted from the originating order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the receipt address of the purchase order.

Single Order per Load

If this check box is selected, a load can only contain shipment lines generated for all warehouse order sets within one and the same warehouse order. If kit handling is used, the load contains subkits that belong to the same topkit. For more information, refer to Shipment Building within Freight.


The field is retrieved from Freight.


The earliest date and time on which loading can take place at the ship-from location.

The default date in this field is derived from the system date and time, the earliest loading date/time tolerances, and the lead times defined in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session and the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.


The latest date and time that loading can take place at the ship-from location.

The default value in this field is taken from the system date, the latest loading date/time tolerances, and the lead times defined in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session and the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.


The earliest date and time that unloading can take place at the ship-to location.

The default value in this field is taken from the system date and time and the earliest unloading date/time tolerances and lead times defined in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session and the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.


The latest date and time that unloading can take place at the ship-to location.

The default value in this field is taken from the system date and time, the unloading date/time tolerances, and the lead times defined in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session and the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.

Freight Order Text
Header Text

In this field you can write the report header text. Saving the freight order data after writing text in this field will cause the Header check box in this session to be selected.

The report header text is displayed in freight order printouts that you print by means of the Print Freight Orders (fmfoc2400m000) session, provided that the Text check box is selected in that session.

Footer Text

In this field you can write the report footer text. Saving the freight order data after writing text in this field will cause the Footer check box in this session to be selected.

The report footer text is displayed in freight order printouts that you print by means of the Print Freight Orders (fmfoc2400m000) session, provided that the Text check box is selected in that session.


Change Shipping Office

Use this command to change the shipping office for the current freight order. You can choose a shipping office from another freight planning company. If you select another shipping office, the existing freight order lines are deleted and new freight orders and freight order lines are generated for the originating order line attributes. In this process, the selected shipping office will be used and a new planning group will be assigned to the freight order lines. The new freight order number and freight order line is updated in the originating order lines. The original freight order (header) remains and can be reused or deleted manually.

Change Planned Load/Unload Date

Change the Planned Load Date and Planned Unload Date and/or the Tolerance dates ( Earliest Load Date and Earliest Unload Date; Latest Load Date and Latest Unload Date) for a range of orders/lines . For more information, refer to Freight order date modification and Load and unload date/time tolerances.

Print Estimated and Actual Freight Costs

Freight Invoicing Information

Release to Invoicing

Print Freight Orders

Starts the Print Freight Orders (fmfoc2400m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.



Generate Plan

Addresses - Freight Management


Lines to be Replanned

Print Planning

Generate Freight Orders


Generate Rough Planning

Generate Freight Order Clusters

Freight Order Clusters

Remove Freight Orders


All Freight Orders

Freight Orders for Load Planning

Freight Orders for Clustering

Graphical Plan Board




Print Draft Invoices