Items - Ship-from/to Business Partner (fmfmd2100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain freight-related data for combinations of items and ship-from or ship-to business partners. You can select an item, link a ship-from or ship-to business partner to the item and then specify the following freight related data for this combination:

  • Transport category
  • Carrier
  • Transport type
  • Transport means group
  • Combination code
  • Freight service level

As a result, when a freight order is created for the selected item and ship-from or ship-to business partner, the specified freight-related data is added to the freight order.



The item code of the item for which you define ship-from or ship-to business partner information. The selection of an item is mandatory.


Segmented item codes consist of a project-code segment and an item-base segment (the item code).

You can define the item-code segmentation in the Item Code Segmentation (tcibd0500m000) session.

Related topics

Business Partner

The business partner for whom you define freight related-item data.

Transport Means Combination

Transport means combination.

If a transport means group is selected in the Transport Means Group field, you cannot select a transport means combination. If a carrier is inserted for the current item, the transport means combination must be attached to this carrierl. In the Transport Means Combinations by Carrier (fmfmd0144m000) session, you can attach transport means combinations to carriers.

Transport Means Group

The transport means group for the selected item and ship-from or ship-to business partner. For the transport means group that you select in this field, the Independent Use Allowed check box must be selected. The transport means group must be the same as the transport means group defined for the item, which is defined in the Items - Freight Management (fmfmd1100m000) session.


The carrier for the selected item and ship-from or ship-to business partner.

Freight Service Level

The freight service level for the item and the ship-from or ship-to business partner.

Transport Type

The transport type for the selected item and ship-from or ship-to business partner. If a transport means combination or a transport means group is selected in the current session and a transport type exists for the transport means group or transport means combination, the transport type is taken from the transport means combination or transport means group. You must not change this value.

Combination Code

The combination code for the item and ship-from or ship-to business partner. The combination code is defaulted from the transport means group or transport means combination (if selected) for the selected item and ship-from or ship-to business partner. You must not change this value. If the transport means group has no combination code, the combination code from the transport type is defaulted. The combination code must be the same as the combination code defined for the item, which is defined in Items - Freight Management (fmfmd1100m000) session.

Piece Unit

The piece unit for the item. Note that a conversion factor must exist between the inventory unit of the item and the piece unit.

Additional Rate Unit

A quantity by unit against which you can define freight rates. You can choose from the units defined in Common. Many freight rates are based on distance and weight. Additional quantities/units enable you to define rates that are based on other units, such as volume, or define rates that are based on combinations of distance, weight, and other units.

Example 1

Freight rate by additional quantity/unit:

Additional Rate Quantity: 1 pallet, Distance: 1000 km

Amount by Distance: 10

Example 2

Freight rates by combinations of units by distance/zone:

Weight: 10 kg

Additional Rate Quantity: 1 m³

Break Type: Minimum

Amount by Distance101520
Amount by Weight5510
Amount by Additional Rate Unit557


In this example, freight rates are based on distance by weight and volume. Shipment SH0001, from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, includes the following details: Distance: 70 km, Weight: 50 kg, Volume: 7 m³

The freight costs for shipment SH0001 are:

 10 * 70 (distance) + 5 * 50 (weight) + 5 * 7 (volume) = 985 
Business Partner Role

The business partner role of the business partner for whom you define freight-related item data.