EDI business document Freight

The business document Freight describes shipment and tracking of loads and shipments; it includes the following EDI messages:


Load Information to Carrier (FML)

Load Information to carrier (FML) messages notify business partners of forthcoming subcontracting instructions. The messages are prepared when you print subcontracting instructions using either of the following sessions:

  • Actualize Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3210m000)
    In this session, select the Print Subcontracting Instructions check box, and then select Final.
  • Print Subcontracting Instructions (fmfoc3410m000)
    In this session, select Final.

To generate the EDI messages prepared, use the Generate EDI Messages (ecedi7201m000) session.

Use the Direct Network Communication (ecedi7205m000) session to generate the outgoing message. A report will list the messages that were generated. The outgoing messages for an external EDI trading partner are stored in the appl_from directory for retrieval by translation software.

Carrier Status Information (FMS)

Carrier status (FMS) messages are sent by business partners to facilitate tracking of freight order clusters, freight order cluster lines, loads, and shipments. The carrier status information is displayed in the Status field of the following sessions:

  • Tracking (fmlbd4150m000)
  • Load (fmlbd4100m100), Tracking tab.
  • Shipment (fmlbd3100m100), Tracking tab.

To access carrier status and other tracking information from other sessions:

  1. Click Tracking on the appropriate menu of any of the following sessions:

    • Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3100m000)
    • Freight Order Cluster Lines (fmfoc3101m000)
    • Loads (fmlbd4100m000)
    • Shipments (fmlbd3100m000)
    • Shipment Lines (fmlbd3150m000)

    The Tracking (fmlbd4150m000) session appears.

  2. If required, on the Filter by Status menu, point to Sort By..., and then click the appropriate option:

    • Freight Order Cluster
    • Freight Order Cluster Line
    • Load
    • Shipment
  3. Double-click a line to view tracking details.