Reviewers by Committee (dmcom0126m000)

Use this session to display a list of reviewers who are part of a change committee.

The chairperson designated for every change committee nominates reviewers to the change committee.



The change committee ID.

Committee Description

The description of the committee.


The name of the chairperson for the committee.


The type of review the committee can perform. The possible values are the following:


The name of reviewer. Click the browse arrow to select the reviewer from the Employees-General (tccom0101m000) session and add the reviewer to the committee.


The description of the reviewer.



Use this option to display the changes. The change can be made by a reviewer, a chairperson or by a committee.

Document Types

Displays the Document Types option on the appropriate menu, which displays the document types related to the reviewer, chairperson, and committee .


Displays the Documents option on the appropriate menu, which displays the document related to the reviewer, chairperson. and committee.

By Committee

Use this option to display the documents to which the committee is attached.