Resource Order Plan-Find (cprrp0530m000)

Use this session to display details about the capacity utilization of a specific resource for a definable time bucket, together with the orders that require this capacity.


You cannot use the Resource Order Plan-Find (cprrp0530m000) session to maintain and/or modify capacity data.

Before LN activates the Resource Order Plan (cprrp0530m000) session, in the Resource Order Plan - Selection (cprrp0531m000) session you must define for which scenario, resource, date, and for which period format LN must display the capacity use. If you are already in the Resource Order Plan (cprrp0530m000) session, you can access the resource order plan for another resource by starting the Resource Order Plan - Selection (cprrp0531m000) session from the appropriate menu and defining the appropriate settings.

The resource order plan contains data about resource capacity required by:



The scenario for which LN displays the capacity utilization of the specified resource.


This label indicates that the scenario in the Scenario field is the actual scenario.

You can define the actual scenario in the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session.

Plan Level

The plan level for which LN displays the capacity utilization of the specified resource.


The resource for which LN displays the capacity utilization.

Planning Horizon

The resource planning horizon that you defined for the specified resource in the Resource (cprpd2100m000) session.

Operations Storage Horizon

The operation storage horizon of the resource that you specified in the Resource (cprpd2100m000) session.

In case of planned orders with:

  • A scenario with the end date that falls before the operation storage horizon, LN also takes into account the operations between the scenario end date end the operation storage horizon, and displays all the capacity utilization for that time interval in the last period of the resource order plan.
  • A scenario with the end date that falls after the operation storage horizon, LN only takes into account the operations until the operation storage horizon and does not display the capacity utilization of operations after the resource storage horizon in the resource order plan.
Start Date

The start date of the period for which LN displays the resource capacity utilization.

Period Length

The length of the periods for which LN displays resource capacity utilization data.

The period length determines the level of detail of the resource order plan.

If you select Detail, LN displays the order lines for the orders from the date in the Start Date field until the End Date field in the session header.

The appropriate menu contains the following commands to change the period length:

  • Detail +: shift to a higher level of detail.
  • Detail -: shift to a lower level of detail.
Critical Capacity

Specify the type of critical capacity.

  • If the resource order plan shows the aggregated capacity of main and sub work centers, the critical capacity is aggregated, regardless of the capacity type.
  • If the critical capacity types of the main and sub work centers differ, man hours and machine hours are aggregated.
End Date

The end date of the period for which LN displays the resource capacity utilization.

Sorting Mode

The sorting mode chosen through the Sort by command in the appropriate menu.

Allowed values

  • Start date
  • End date
  • Capacity use
  • Order type
Shown Capacity Type

The capacity type displayed in the resource order plan.


If this field is empty, the Critical Capacity Type, displayed in the Critical Capacity field, is shown. See Critical Capacity.

If the resource order plan shows the aggregated capacity of main and sub work centers, and Shown Capacity Type = Machine Capacity, the machine capacity of all involved work centers is aggregated.

Available Capacity

The total capacity available for the specified resource in the period between the Start Date field and the End Date field.

The value of the available capacity is equal to the sum of the Required Capacity field and the Free Capacity field.

Required Capacity

The total capacity that the entities listed in the resource order plan require from the resource in the specified period.

Click the Update icon, or select this command on the appropriate menu to update the required capacity value according to the most recent changes.

Free Capacity

The capacity that is still available in the specified time period.

LN subtracts the required capacity from the available capacity to calculate the free capacity.


The end date of the period in which the current capacity requirement falls.

Available Capacity

The capacity available for the resource in the entire time bucket.

Free Capacity

The capacity that is still available in the time bucket after LN subtracted the required capacity of the current record from the cumulative free capacity of the previous record.

Cumulative Free Capacity

The capacity that is still available in the period between the start date and the end date.

The cumulative free capacity is a running total value. LN takes into account the free capacity in the entire time bucket for which the resource utilization is displayed. From this value, LN subtracts the capacity of the records until and including the current one.

Required Capacity

The capacity required by the order of the current record.

CTP Reservations

The capacity CTP reservation that LN made for capacity of the specified resource on this line. If the specified resource is a main work center, then the CTP Reservations from sub work centers are added to the main work center's CTP Reservations.

Critical Capacity Requirements

Resource capacity that is required as a result of critical capacity requirements.

If you selected Detail in the Period Length field of the Resource Order Plan - Selection (cprrp0531m000) session, or if you select the highest level of detail with the Detail + option on the appropriate menu, the value in this field is the result of dividing the resource capacity required in the corresponding plan period over the number of workdays in the plan period.

On the Details tab, you can double-click a record containing critical capacity requirements to zoom to the Critical Capacity Requirements (cprmp3560m000) session which lists the critical capacity requirements by resource and by plan period.

Planned Orders Capacity Use

The resource capacity required by planned orders.

On the Details tab, you can double-click a record containing capacity requirements for planned orders to zoom to the Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000) session which contains details about capacity requirements for a specific planned order.

SFC Orders Capacity Use

The resource capacity required by production orders in the Shop Floor Control module of Manufacturing.

On the Details tab, you can double-click a record containing capacity requirements for SFC orders to zoom to the Production Planning session which contains details about capacity requirements for a specific production order.

PCS Activities Capacity Use

The resource capacity required by project activities in the Project Control module of Manufacturing.

On the Details tab, you can double-click a record containing capacity requirements for PCS activities to zoom to the Rough Capacity Utilization by Project (tipcs4550m000) session which contains details about capacity requirements that each project activity requires from a specific work center.

Service Orders Capacity Use

The resource capacity required by service orders in the Service Order Control (SOC) module, by work orders in the Work Order Control (WCS) module, or by service planned activities in the Preventive Maintenance (SPC) module, all in Service.

On the Details tab, you can double-click a record containing capacity requirements for activities present in Service. Depending on the value of the Order Type field, LN zooms to one of the following sessions which contains details about capacity requirements that each entity requires from a specific work center:

  • Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000)
  • Work Order Activities (tswcs2110m000)
  • Planned Activities - Cluster (tsspc2100m000): if the order type is a service planned activity.
Start Date

The start date of the order within the selected time interval.

Which start date LN actually displays depends on the order type that requires resource capacity.

If resource capacity is required by:

  • Critical Capacity Requirements: the start date is equal to the start date of the plan period in which the critical capacity requirement occurs.
  • Planned Orders Capacity Use: the start date is the production start date of the operation for which resource capacity is required.
  • SFC Orders Capacity Use: the production start date of the operation for which the resource capacity is required.
  • PCS Activities Capacity Use: the start date of the project activity project activity for which resource capacity is required.
  • Service Orders Capacity Use: the start time of the work order activity or the service order activity for which resource capacity is required.
Finish Date

The finish date of the order within the selected time interval.

Which finish date LN actually displays depends on the order type that requires resource capacity.

If resource capacity is required by:

  • Critical Capacity Requirements: the finish date is equal to the end date of the plan period in which the critical capacity requirement occurs.
  • Planned Orders Capacity Use: the finish date is the wait start date of the operation for which resource capacity is required.
  • SFC Orders Capacity Use: the finish date is the wait start date of the operation for which the resource capacity is required.
  • PCS Activities Capacity Use: the finish date is the finish date of the project activity for which resource capacity is required.
  • Service Orders Capacity Use: the finish time of the work order activity or the service order activity for which resource capacity is required.
Order Type

The type of order or entity that requires capacity from the resource.

The order type can be:

  • Critical Capacity Requirements: resource capacity regarded as critical to carry out that originate from Enterprise Planning.
  • Planned Production Order: planned production orders created in Enterprise Planning.
  • SFC Production Order: production orders that originate from the from the Shop Floor Control module of Manufacturing.
  • PCS Network Activity: project activities that originate from the Project Control module of Manufacturing.
  • Service Order Activity: activities defined for a service order that originates from the Service Order Control (SOC) module of Service.
  • Service Planned Activity: planned activities defined in the Preventive Maintenance (SPC) module of Service, and that serve as input for the operational planning of maintenance. An activity, planned to be done in future, to prevent a breakdown of a product. This planned activity results in a service order and activity, where the real execution is done
  • Service Work Order Activity: activities defined for a work order that originates from the Work Order Control (WCS) module of Service.
  • CTP Reservation
Order No.

The order number LN assigns to the order in the package from which it originates.

For PCS network activities, LN displays the PCS project number. For critical capacity requirements and CTP reservations, LN displays the number of the plan period in which the resource capacity is required.


The number of the operation of the order for which capacity is required from the specified resource.

Order Status

If the entity that requires resource capacity is an order, the order status can have one of the following values:

  • Planned
  • Firm Planned
  • Confirmed
  • Scheduled
  • Documents Printed
  • Released
  • Active
  • To be Completed
  • Completed
  • Closed
  • Archived

In case of critical capacity requirements and CTP reservations, the Order Status field is empty.

Setup Capacity

The amount of the capacity displayed in the Required Capacity field that is reserved to set up the resource.

Production Capacity

The amount of the capacity displayed in the Required Capacity field that is reserved for production.

Capacity Use

The total capacity that the order requires from the resource.

The value that LN displays in the Capacity Use field, is the sum of the Setup Capacity field and the Production Capacity field.


The item for the production of which resource capacity is required.



Select this option to let LN update the capacity utilization data for the specified resource.

Copy Planned Orders to Scenarios
Detail +

Select this option to shift to the next period length, for a higher level of detail.

If the detail level is 28 Days and you select the Detail + option, the Detail level is selected.

Detail -

Select this option to shift to the next period length, for a lower level of detail.

If the detail level is Detail and you select the Detail - option, the 28 Days level is selected.

Line Details

View the details of the selected order line.

Planned Order - Inventory Movements

Starts the Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000) session in which you can see details about the inventory movement for the order you selected.

Initialize, Roll, and Update Scenario

Starts the Initialize, Roll, and Update Scenario (cprpd4200m000) session for the scenario displayed in the Scenario field.

Change Company

Starts the Change Company (cpcom1200s000) session.

Planned Orders

Starts the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

Assembly Orders
View Special Demand by Item
Sales Quotations
Warehousing Orders
Purchase Request for Quotations
Purchase Orders
Planned Order - Inventory Movements
Order - Planned Inventory Transactions
View Warehouse Inventory Transactions
Planned Inventory Transactions
Warehouse - Item - Stock Point Transactions
Order - Inventory Transactions
View Item Master Plan
View Channel Master Plan
View Resource Master Plan
Generate Order Planning
Generate Master Planning

Starts the Generate Master Planning (Item) (cprmp1203m000) session.

Calendar Working Hours
Exception Messages by Resource
Performance Indicators
ATP Handling

Starts the ATP Handling (cprrp4800m000) session.

Exception Messages by Planner and Item
Capacity Use by Planned Order