Generate Master Planning (cprmp1202m000)

Use this session to run a master-plan simulation for a range of items:

  1. Specify a scenario and a plan level.
  2. Select a range of plan items.
  3. Select a range of plan units, phase numbers, and planners. These selections further constrain the range of selected items.
  4. Select a range of plan periods.
  5. Set the appropriate check boxes on the Options tab.
  6. Click Generate.

If the specified scenario is defined as a central multisite scenario, in the Scenarios (cprpd4100m000) session, a central multisite simulation run is performed.

Important is the Warehouse field in the Bill of Critical Materials (cprpd3120m000) session. To avoid allocation problems at the moment of dependent demand explosions during a master-plan simulation, this field must be filled.

LN only carries out the simulation for the specified range of plan periods. However, LN computes the projected inventory for the entire planning horizon, and the (cumulative) ATP for each plan period within the ATP/CTP horizon.



The scenario for which LN generates item master plans.

The scenario's plan status must be Open.

Plan Level

The plan level for which LN generates an item master plan.

From Plan Item

Specify the first of a range of plan items for which LN must generate the item master plan.

To Plan Item

Specify the last of a range of plan items for which LN must generate the item master plan.

Plan Unit

Specify the first of a range of plan units that LN must use as a selection criterion to generate item master plans.

You can define a plan unit for a plan item in the Master Plan Unit field of the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Plan Unit

Specify the last of a range of plan units that LN must use as a selection criterion to generate item master plans.

You can define a plan unit for a plan item in the Master Plan Unit field of the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Master Phase Number

Specify the first of a range of master phase numbers that LN must use as a selection criterion to generate item master plans.

The number that determines the order in which plan units and plan items are planned in master-based planning.

Master Phase Number

Specify the last of a range of master phase numbers that LN must use as a selection criterion to generate item master plans.

The number that determines the order in which plan units and plan items are planned in master-based planning.


Specify the first a range of planners that LN must use as a selection criterion to generate item master plans.


Specify the last a range of planners that LN must use as a selection criterion to generate item master plans.


Specify the first of a range of plan periods for which LN must generate item master plans.


The end date of the specified plan period.


Specify the last of a range of plan periods for which LN must generate item master plans.


The end date of the specified plan period.

Update Goods Flow

If this check box is selected, LN updates the goods flow data from the execution level during the simulation.

Consider Material Constraints

If this check box is selected, LN takes constraints on the availability of components into account when generating an item's production plan. To generate a production plan, LN uses the workload control (WLC) planning engine.

You can define parameters for the workload control (WLC) planning engine in the Work Load Control Parameters (cpwlc2101m000) session.


If you define Workload Control as the planning engine for the plan unit to which an item belongs (see the Plan Unit (cprpd6100m000) session), LN applies workload control. If the item's plan unit has Infinite Planning as its planning engine, or if the plan item has not been linked to a plan unit, this check box does not affect the planning of the item involved.

Net Change Run

If this check box is selected, LN performs a net-change calculation.

If this check box is cleared, LN carries out a regenerative run. This means that LN recomputes the supply plan over the whole master-planning horizon, possibly excluding the part that falls within the time fence.

Net-changes simulations are only used for the actual scenario. For other scenarios, Enterprise Planning always performs a full regeneration of the master plan or the order planning.

Consider Capacity Constraints

If this check box is selected, LN takes constraints on the availability of production capacity into account when generating an item's production plan. To generate a production plan, LN uses the workload control (WLC) planning engine.

You can define parameters for the workload control planning engine in the Work Load Control Parameters (cpwlc2101m000) session.


If you define Workload Control as the planning engine for the plan unit to which an item belongs (see the Plan Unit (cprpd6100m000) session), LN applies workload control. If the item's plan unit has Infinite Planning as its planning engine, or if the plan item has not been linked to a plan unit, this check box does not affect the item planning.

Generate Within Time Fence

This option is only relevant when the order horizon is smaller or equal to the time fence.

If this check box is selected, LN performs the simulation for the entire master-planning horizon of an item, even if part of this horizon falls within the item's time fence.

If this check box is cleared, the planning within the time fence is frozen and is not affected by the simulation.

More so than the setting of the Generate Within Time Fence check box in this session, the setting of the Use Time Fence check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session is determinant for simulation of item master plans within the time fence.

Dependent on the previously mentioned check boxes, three possible situations exist:

  • The Use Time Fence check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session is cleared: Enterprise Planning generates the item master plan within the time fence, regardless of the setting of the Generate Within Time Fence check box.
  • The Use Time Fence check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session is selected, and the Generate Within Time Fence check box is cleared: Enterprise Planning generates the item master plan outside the time fence.
  • The Use Time Fence check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session, and the Generate Within Time Fence check box are both selected: Enterprise Planning generates the item master plan within the time fence.

You can define the length of the time fence in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Update Exception Messages

If this check box is selected, LN updates the planning exception messages for the items involved.

Number of Iterations

The maximum number of iterations used by the workload control planning algorithm.

Since the use of iterations has a considerable effect on the duration of the computation, you must only use iterations if you need them.


If you define Workload Control as the planning engine for the plan unit to which an item belongs (see the Plan Unit (cprpd6100m000) session), LN applies workload control. If the item's plan unit has Infinite Planning as its planning engine, or if you did not link the plan item to a plan unit, this check box does not affect the item planning.

Log Exception Messages for Planner

The employee to whom LN assigns all generated exception messages.

If this field is empty, LN sends the item-related exception messages to the planner that is linked to the item in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session. If no planner is linked to the item, LN stores the item-related exception messages without mentioning a planner. LN also stores non-item-related exception messages without mentioning a planner.

You can view the exception messages that LN generates during an master-planning run in the Signal Overview - by Planner (cprao1120m000) session and the Planner/Item Signals (cprao1125m000) session.

Generate Report

If this check box is selected, LN creates a report that contains the exception messages and error messages that are generated during the simulation.

Update Resource Masterplan

If this check box is selected, LN updates the resource master plan for the resources used to produce the plan items for which LN generates an item master plan.



Starts the simulation procedure.