Inventory and demand exception messages

Inventory and demand exception messages refer to a projected inventory level or a demand quantity. They indicate that the level or quantity involved is below or above a certain norm level.

These exception messages are especially helpful when it comes to controlling inventory levels and improving customer service.


All exception messages are only generated for the first occurrence unless stated otherwise.

Negative Inventory Level

This message appears in:

  • Master Planning
    • If the channel is empty for the item master plan but not for the channel master plan.
    • If the period in which projected inventory is less than zero (0) exceeds the order time fence.
  • Order Planning

    If the projected inventory level is lower than zero (0).

Inventory < Safety/Plan

This message appears in:

  • Master Planning
    • If the channel is empty for the item master plan but not for the channel master plan.
    • Inventory plan in the master plan is greater than zero.
    • Projected inventory in the master plan is greater than zero.
    • The projected inventory level in the master plan is lower than the inventory plan in the corresponding period with the difference being greater than the specified in Exception Messages by Planner (cprao1120m000).
  • Order Planning

    If the projected inventory falls below safety stock with the difference greater than the tolerance specified in Exception Messages by Planner (cprao1120m000)


The safety stock is specified in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session; it is adjusted for seasonal influences by means of a seasonal pattern, which is selected in this same session.

Inventory > Maximum

This message appears in:

  • Master Planning
    • If the channel is empty for the item master plan but not for the channel master plan.
    • If the project inventory is higher than the maximum inventory specified in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session.
    • If the period in which the projected inventory is greater than the maximum inventory falls outside the order horizon.
  • Order Planning

    If the projected inventory goes above the maximum inventory with a difference greater than the tolerance specified in Exception Messages by Planner (cprao1120m000).

Actual Demand Late

This message appears in:

  • Master Planning

    If the Cumulative ATP in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session for the master plan is less than zero.

  • Order Planning

    If the ATP field in the Item Order Plan (cprrp0520m000) session falls below zero.

Part of the actual demand of the item or channel will be delivered late.

Forecast <> Actual Demand

This message appears if in a certain plan period, the actual demand in the master plan for an item or channel deviates from the demand forecast, to a degree which exceeds the tolerance percentage specified for this exception message type in the Exception Message Types by Planner (cprao1110m000) session.

The demand forecast of an item is specified in the following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

* These fields are only taken into account when the Dependent Demand Forecast check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session is selected.

Inventory > Inventory Plan

The projected inventory in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session is higher than the inventory plan specified in this same session.

This type of exception message is only generated outside the order horizon.


This message does not occur when using order-based planning.

Shop Floor Inventory < 0

This exception message appears in:

  • Master Planning

    If the on-hand inventory is negative.

  • Order Planning
    • At the start of planning the on-hand inventory is negative.
    • The planned inventory on the shop floor drops below zero (0) on a certain date. In other words, the current set of orders on the shop floor or at purchase is sufficient to maintain a positive inventory until the reference date attached to the exception message.

As a rule, the shop-floor inventory is determined by taking into account all planned requirements and planned receipts except those which originate from Enterprise Planning, such as demand forecasts and planned orders. However, the shop-floor inventory does include the dependent distribution demand originating from planned distribution orders.

You can resolve this exception message by transferring planned orders to the execution level in the Transfer Planned Orders (cppat1210m000) session.

No Demand (Master Plan)

The item master plan or channel master plan does not contain any demand for the item involved.

This type of exception message is generated when master-based planning is executed (compare the next exception message type).

No Demand (Order Planning)

There is no demand at all for the item involved.

This type of exception message is only generated when order-based planning is executed (compare the previous exception message type).