Billable Lines (cisli8110m000)

Use this session to view billable lines and their details.


If the Sales Cum Excise Invoice check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session:

  • The commercial invoice and the excise invoice are printed for the billable line.
  • The series for the commercial invoice and the excise invoice is defaulted from the Tax Invoice Series by ECC (tccom9154m00l) session.


Source Company

The source company.

Source Type

The source document type.

Source Document

The source document number.

Order Line

The line number of the order data.

Order Reference

Additional information related to the order.

Which information is stored depends on the source type:

Source TypeOrder Reference
ContractContract Line
ProjectSold-to Business Partner
Sales OrderShipment
RebateRebate Relation
Warehouse OrderShipment


Invoice Status

Invoicing Status

  • On Hold
    • Billable lines
      The invoicing data cannot be selected for invoicing. You must confirm the invoicing data before you can generate the invoices.
    • Invoices
      The status of the original invoice when an invoice with status Posted is reversed using the Credit and Rebill command in the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session.
    • If Workflow is implemented, the On Hold status applies to all transferred billable lines with negative amounts.
    • A billing request with the On Hold status can be processed in the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session. For more information, refer to Billing request status.
  • Canceled

    The invoicing data line has been canceled. If you undo the cancellation, the invoicing data status is set to On Hold.

  • Confirmed

    The invoicing data can be selected for invoicing when you process a billing request in the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session.


    If Workflow is implemented, a billable line will receive status Confirmed only after approval through the workflow process.

  • Ready to Submit

    Applicable if Workflow is implemented.

    This status matches the Ready to Print status, except that the invoice must first be approved.

    You can print a draft invoice to check the invoice. If the draft invoice is not correct, you can undo the composition of the invoice. The invoicing data status is then reset to Confirmed.

  • Pending Approval

    Applicable if Workflow is implemented.

    This status indicates that the invoice has been submitted for approval. As a result, the invoice can no longer be changed.

    An invoice with status Pending Approval is excluded from any processing in Invoicing.

  • Ready to Print

    The invoice is ready for printing. LN has generated a temporary sequence number to identify the invoice. You can change the invoice date to the current date or to another date in the past, as required. The invoice will then be recalculated.

    You can print a draft invoice to check the invoice or you can print an original invoice and send it to the invoice-to business partner. If the draft invoice is not correct, you can undo the composition of the invoice. The invoicing data status is then reset to Confirmed.

  • Printed

    An original invoice has been printed that you can send to the customer. LN has replaced the temporary invoice sequence number with the original invoice document number.

    The invoice is final and you must post the invoice. You cannot undo the composition and change the invoicing data. You can reprint the original invoice if this is necessary.


    For tax invoices, the invoice number assigned during composing is also the final invoice number.

  • Posted

    The invoice has been sent to the customer and posted to Financials. An open entry has been created in Accounts Receivable.

    You can reprint the original invoice if this is necessary, or you can use the Purge Sales Invoice Data (cisli3210m000) session to remove the invoice data from Invoicing.


    The Posted status does not apply to billable lines, because these are removed when the related invoice is posted.

Workflow Status

The status that applies if the business object requires authorization using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is automatically created for the business object. The changes you submitted are only effective after approval/check-in. You can also undo your changes, or recall your submitted changes.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriate menu of this session, select Workflow and then select the required action for the business object.

Allowed values

If the business object is checked out, this field shows an Object status.

If the business object is checked in, this field shows an Approval status.

Regardless of the object being checked in or out, if a description is specified for the object type in the Workflow Information Fields (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session), this field always shows the value of the appropriate Description field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors at Infor Xtreme.

Billing Sequence

The billing sequence number assigned to the billable line. Default value: 1

  • Only for a sales schedule-related self-billed invoice, the value can be greater than 1.
  • For billable lines that are split as a result of approving a partially matched self-billed invoice, a new billing sequence is created for the matched quantity and amounts.

If this check box is selected, texts exist.


The department with which the billable line is associated.

Financial Department

If different from the sales office, the financial department.

Sales Representative

The sales representative dealing with the invoice.

Line of Business

The line of business of the business partner.


The area of the business partner.

First Reference

A text used to identify the billable line.

Second Reference

An additional text used to identify the billable line.

Composing Reference

Technical field used for combining multiple lines.

Delivery Terms
Point of Title Passage
Link to Monthly Billing Invoice

includes the invoice in a monthly billing invoice.

If the Send Monthly Billing Invoice check box in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session is selected, this check box is selected by default.


If this check box is selected, self-billing applies.

Sold-to Business Partner
Ship-to Business Partner
Invoice-to Business Partner
Pay-by Business Partner

The pay-by business partner of the invoice.

Address Details
Ship-from Address

The address from which goods are shipped.

Sold-to Address

The address of the sold-to business partner.

Ship-to Address

The address to which goods are shipped.

Invoice-to Address

The address to which the invoice is sent.

This is the address of the invoice-to business partner, or your own company's address.

Pay-by Address

The address of the pay-by business partner.

Order Date

The date and time when the order was entered.

Charge Type

The type of delivery covered by the billable line.

If the billable line refers to anything other than goods, service or costs, select Not Applicable.


The project code.


A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

Serial Number
Customer Item Code

The item code that is used by the customer on the billable line.

Ordered Quantity

The total ordered quantity.

Order Unit

The unit for the ordered quantity.


The item's order price.

Price Unit

The unit used for the order price.

Billable Amount

The line amount in the invoice currency.

Related topics

Invoice Currency

The currency in which the invoice amount is expressed.

Delivery Date

The date on which the inventory is issued from the replenishment warehouse and transported to the destination warehouse.


The warehouse in which delivered goods are received.

Delivery Point

All goods that are transported to a specific address on a specific date and time by using a specific route. An identifiable part of a load.

Shipment Line

An entity that provides information about one of the items listed on a shipment, such as the weight, the quantity, or the additional costs.

Packing Slip

An order document that shows in detail the contents of a particular package for shipment. The details include a description of the items, the shippers or customers item number, the quantity shipped, and the inventory unit of the shipped items.

Delivered Quantity

The total quantity of delivered items expressed in the items' inventory unit.

Delivery Unit

The unit in which the quantity is expressed.


If a delivery note is present, this is the weight of the load as stated on the delivery note. Otherwise, the weight of the shipment.

Weight Unit

The unit for the weight of the load as stated on the delivery note. Otherwise, the unit for the weight of the shipment.

Delivery Note

A transport document that provides information on a consignment contained in one truck (or other vehicle) and refers to an order or a set of orders for one consignee at a delivery address. If the truck load contains shipments for various business partners, the load includes more than one delivery note. The information on a delivery note includes the delivery date and address, the customer's name, the contents of the consignment, and so on. In Italy, a delivery note is a legally required document, where it used to be called BAM (Bolla Accompagnamento Merci). Currently it is called DDT (Documento di Trasporto). In Portugal and Spain delivery notes are also used, but there they do not have the same legal status as in Italy.

Carrier / LSP
BO Details
Business Object Name

In the context of financial integration transaction processing, a business object is a logistic entity or event such as an item, a purchase order, a business partner, or a warehouse issue.

Business Object ID

The unique code that identifies a specific business object. For example, the business object ID of a Purchase Order business object is the purchase order number.

Business Object Reference

A transaction identification more detailed than the business object, for example, a receipt number or an order number. You can use the reference during reconciliation to match transactions if the business object alone does not provide enough information, for example, during GRNI reconciliation.


The business object reference is not the same as a reference link.

Business Object GUID

The generated internal code of the business object.

Alternate BO Details
Business Object Name

In the context of financial integration transaction processing, a business object is a logistic entity or event such as an item, a purchase order, a business partner, or a warehouse issue.

Business Object ID

The unique code that identifies a specific business object. For example, the business object ID of a Purchase Order business object is the purchase order number.

Business Object Reference

A transaction identification more detailed than the business object, for example, a receipt number or an order number. You can use the reference during reconciliation to match transactions if the business object alone does not provide enough information, for example, during GRNI reconciliation.


The business object reference is not the same as a reference link.

Invoicing Data
Invoice Number

The financial company in which the invoice exists.

Transaction Type

The transaction type and series used to generate document numbers for the invoices.

The transaction category must be Sales Invoices.

LN generates the invoice document numbers when you print the original invoices. Until that moment, the invoicing data is identified in Invoicing by a temporary sequence number.

Invoice Number

The sales invoice document number.

Kind of Order

The kind of order created for the billable line.

Allowed values

Kind of Order

Invoice Type

The kind of invoice. Each Operations Management package has its own types of invoices.

Allowed values

Invoice Type

  • You can use the progress payment requests for settlement with other invoices such as, installment.
  • You can only process a single progress payment request for an invoice.
  • The progress payment requests result in a special report layout: the Contractor's Request for Progress Payment (SF 1443) form which is mandatory for contractors working for the US Government. The report is used for invoices of type Progress Payment Request.
  • When posting the revenue integration transactions related to the progress payment requests, the integration document types, Project Revenue / Progress Payment are used. This is reversed when the progress payment request is settled with a subsequent invoice.
Invoicing Scenario

The invoicing scenario that was linked to the source type in the Invoicing Parameters by Source Type (cisli0101m000) session.

Invoiced Amount Variance

The correction amount in case the self-billed invoice exceeds or falls short of the original amount.

LPS Amount

The late-payment surcharge amount in the invoice currency.

Tax Amount

The invoice line tax amount in the invoice currency.

Customs Value

The total value of all items in your shipment which determines the amount of import duty and other taxes.

Cut Off Date

The cutoff date of the invoice line for the invoice composition process.

Approval Date

The date that the invoice was approved.

Invoicing Method

A set of parameters that defines, among other things, the types of orders and orders lines that can be combined on an invoice, and the type of invoice to be generated and the costs to be aggregated on Project invoices and Service invoices. You can define different invoicing methods for your invoice-to business partners.

Report Layout

Report Layout

  • Standard

    The regular report layout for invoices.

  • DD Form 250

    The Material Inspection and Receiving Report form ( DD Form 250) can be mandatory for contractors working for the US Government. The report comprises prescribed information relevant to the shipping process and is used for invoicing. The DD 250 report may require users to check and accept or reject shipments at their source, destination, or both.


    DD Form 250 is available only for invoices of type Delivery Based.

  • Standard Form 1034

    The Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal (SF 1034) form can be mandatory for contractors working for the US Government. The report is used for invoices of type Cost Plus.

  • Standard Form 1443

    The Contractor's Request for Progress Payment (SF 1443) form can be mandatory for contractors working for the US Government. As its full name indicates, the report is used for invoices of type Progress Payment Request.

  • Advance Payment Request

    A report layout used for advance payment requests.

  • Cost Plus

    A report layout used for invoices of type Cost Plus.

  • Custom Report

    A report layout of your choice.

Sales Invoice Company

The financial company in which the sales invoice was generated.

Sales Type

The sales type of the invoice.

Tax Classification

If this check box is selected, the logistic transaction is exempt from tax.

Tax Country
Own Tax Number

Your company's tax number.

Tax Code
BP Tax Country

The country in which the business partner must pay tax.

BP Tax Number

Your business partner's tax number.

Tax Exemption Certificate Number
Tax Exemption Reason Code

A user-defined description that is based on a transaction and its type. Reason codes assist in selecting data for inquiry and for reporting.


If this check box is selected, the invoice applies to trade of type Direct Delivery or External Material Delivery.

Payment Terms
Late Payment Surcharge
Late Payment Surcharge Date

The date of the late payment surcharge that applies to the invoice.

Payment Method

The method used to create a payment (purchase invoice) or a receipt (sales invoice).

The payment method defines details such as:

  • The maximum amount
  • The due date
  • Allowance of foreign currencies and other details which must be printed on the report

These are default values that you can change on the order or on the invoice.

Bank Account Code
Bank Account

A bank account of your company.


International Bank Account Number. An international standard account identifier for identifying an account held by a financial institution, in order to facilitate automated processing of cross border transactions. The IBAN is provided by the bank/branch servicing the account.

Currency Rate
Rate Determiner

The currency exchange rate used to convert the invoice currency to the home currency.

Exchange Rate Type

The exchange rate type that applies to the invoice.

Rate Date

The currency rates valid on this date apply to the invoice line.

Currency Rate Factor

The currency exchange rate used to convert the invoice currency to the home currency.

Interest Invoice
Original Invoice Line

The original invoice line.

Original Invoice Due Date

The due date of the original invoice.

Invoice Receipt Document Number

If the invoice was already paid or partially paid, this is the transaction type of the receipt for which the interest invoice is generated.

Document Number

If the invoice was already paid or partially paid, this is the document number of the receipt for which the interest invoice is generated.

Line Number

The line number of the receipt.

Invoice Receipt Date

If the invoice was already paid or partially paid, this is the receipt date.

Invoice Receipt Amount

If the invoice was already paid or partially paid, this is the receipt amount in the invoice currency.

Number of Days for Interest

The number of days over which interest is calculated.

Interest Percentage

The percentage used to calculate the interest.

Manual Sales
Manual Sales
Log Intrastat for Manual Sales

If this check box is selected, Intrastat data is logged for manual sales invoices.

Additional Statistical Info Set
Control Account
Dimension Types

One of up to twelve available analysis account bases for ledger accounts.

Header Dimensions

Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.

Dimension Types

One of up to twelve available analysis account bases for ledger accounts.

Asset Disposal

If this check box is selected, the invoice is related to the disposal of an asset.


Any informative description field used to refer to, for example:

  • The person or department with authorization to perform a specific task.
  • The business partner's contact.
  • The original invoice number.
GL Code

Represents a ledger account and the corresponding dimensions. GL codes are used to represent ledger accounts to users who are not familiar with the structure of the chart of accounts.

To specific logistic transactions, you can link a GL code. Such integration transactions are mapped directly to the ledger account and dimensions of the GL code, they are not included in the mapping process.

Ledger Account

The ledger account for the credit posting.

Dimension Types

One of up to twelve available analysis account bases for ledger accounts.


Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.

Dimension Types

One of up to twelve available analysis account bases for ledger accounts.


A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain more benefits and control.


The smallest part of an element structure. An element is used to define the (structure of the) work of the project, so that you can carry it out.


The smallest part of the activity structure used for a time-scaled budget. An entity that is used to represent a part of a project in an activity structure.

LN distinguishes these activity types:

  • WBS Element
  • Control Account
  • Work Package
  • Planning Package
  • Milestone

The specific agreements within or in addition to the initial contract. An extension falls outside the initial contract with the sold-to business partner. Extensions can be assigned to the bottom-up budget.

LN distinguishes four extension types:

  • Scope Change
  • Provisional Amount
  • Fluctuation Settlement
  • Quantities to be Settled
Project Line

The project line number.

Total Project Amount in Invoice Currency

The invoice amount.


A contract deliverable is a tangible or intangible item that is produced or purchased as a result of a contract.


The dates and quantities of an item that can be promised to a customer.

With this report you can determine how much volume can be delivered on time and how much is delivered late.

According to the item master plan, more chairs will be completed later that month. Some of those newly produced chairs have already been promised to other customers.


A customer wants to order 80 office chairs, to be delivered on May 1. However, the CTP quantity on that day is only 30 chairs.

Progress Date

The registration date for the forecast deviation of revenues.

Order Acceptance Address

The location where the goods are accepted.

Registration Date

The date when the cost transaction is registered.

Wage Part Amount

The percentage of the total contract amount which has been agreed upon with the main contractor that is formed by wage costs.

The amount to be transferred to the first blocked account is calculated with this percentage. This amount is transferred to the first blocked account maintained in Cash Management.


The value displayed here originates from Project.

Blocked Amount

The amount to be transferred to the first blocked account maintained in Cash Management.

The base amount used to calculate the wage part amount:

base amount = (price * quantity) - discount amount - holdback amount

The wage part amount is calculated using this formula:

wage part amount = base amount * wage part of contract amount

The blocked amount is then calculated using this formula:

blocked amount = wage part amount * wage B-account percentage

This field is only relevant in the Netherlands.

Contract Fee Type

Fee Type

  • Fixed Fee

    A fixed amount that you receive from your contractor.

  • Award Fee

    A percentage that you receive from your contractor for, for example, delivering on time.

  • Incentive Fee

    A percentage that you receive from your contractor for, for example, a first order.

  • Penalty

    A percentage that you must pay to your contractor in case of, for example, late delivery or a cost overrun.

Revenue Code

A way to categorize invoiced amounts of the same invoice type in order to analyze revenue history.

Revenue Sequence Number
Invoice-to Contact

The contact for the invoice-to business partner.

Contract Award Date

The date when the contract line was awarded.

Installment Number

An incremental payment method used to spread invoice payments over a period of time. Installments enable you to send invoices for a sales order before or after the ordered goods are actually delivered.

Number of Points

The total number of points currently invoiced for the installment.


The tax percentage that applies to the invoice line.

Final Installment

If this check box is selected, the installment is the final installment.

Advances Applicable

If this check box is selected, advance payments apply.

Holdback Number

The holdback number.

Holdback Percentage

The holdback amount expressed as a percentage.

Holdback Amount

The holdback amount.

Cost Object
Cost Object

The task covered by the billable line.


The equipment code.


The subcontracted work covered by the billable line.

Sundry Cost

The sundry costs covered by the billable line.


The overhead covered by the billable line.

Amount of Time

The number of time units.

Time Unit

The unit that is used to specify the physical quantity time.

Sales / Warehouse
Sales / Warehouse
Sales Order Type

The sales order type of the sales order.

EDI or Print Invoice

Indicates whether the invoice was sent through electronic data interchange (EDI) or printed.

Product Variant

A unique configuration of a configurable item. The variant results from the configuration process and includes information such as feature options, components, and operations.


Configurable item: electric drill


  • 3 power sources (batteries, 12 V or 220 V)
  • 2 colors (blue, gray).

A total of 6 product variants can be produced with these options.


The revision of a revision-controlled manufactured part.

Kit Handling

If this check box is selected, a kit order applies.

Set Number

For a sales order, this number refers to the sales order set.

For an internal invoice, this number refers to the warehouse order set.

Conversion Factor Order Unit

The factor used to convert the quantity in order unit into the quantity in inventory unit.

Customer Order Number

The order number used by the customer.

Customer Order Line

The order line number used by the customer.

Customer Order Sequence

The order sequence number used by the customer.


Identifies a group of items that are called off at the same time.

Invoicing by Installment

If this check box is selected, invoicing is done by installments.

Original Installment Line

The original installment line.

Customer Invoice

The invoice number used by the customer.

Customer Invoice Date

The invoice date used by the customer.

Receive Invoice

If this check box is selected, self-billed invoices are electronically received and its data is automatically entered in the self-billed invoice tables.

Matched SBI Relations Code

A number that identifies a set of matched (customer) self-billed invoice lines with billable lines.

Self Billed Invoice Relation Status

One of the following:

  • Matched
  • Rejected
  • Approved
  • Processed
Original Delivered Quantity

The quantity that was originally delivered.

Order Discount Amount

The total of order line discount amount for the order.

Line Discount Amount

The total discount amount of the billable line.

Line Discount Specification
Discount Method

A code that indicates the way in which discounts are calculated if multiple discount levels are used.

Discounts are calculated according to one of the following amounts:

  • Gross: the discount is calculated over the gross amount
  • Net: the discount is calculated over the net amount. The net amount is calculated from the gross amount minus discounts at previous levels
Discount Percentage

The percentage that you can subtract from the gross sales price or purchase price.

Discount Amount

The discount given to a business partner, calculated by unit and expressed as a value. For instance, 3 euro.

Service Type

The service classification that service providers offer. The service type determines which availability type applies to a service order header, and provides a default order procedure and coverage type.

Service Contract

The code of the service contract.

Warranty Claim

If this check box is selected, LN includes the claim number in the invoice data along with other service order data.

The cost of goods sold amount for the service order is posted to Financials.


The claim number. The value is defaulted from Service.

Measurement Type

The code of the measurement type.

Measured Value

The item measurement value.

Print on Invoice

If this check box is selected, the invoice line is printed.

VAT Based on

For Service transactions, this field contains the type of delivery to which the invoice applies.

Location Address

The address code of the location where the service order activity must be performed.

Item Identification

The item to be invoiced.

Header/Detail Installation Group

A set of serialized items that have the same location and are owned by the same business partner. Grouping serialized items into an Installation group enables you to maintain them collectively.

Serial Number

The serial number.

Serialized Item (Maintenance)

An item that is uniquely identified by the item code (manufacturer part number) in combination with the serial number.

Tool Number

A number to identify a tool. The combination of a tool type, for example, hammer, and a tool serial number, for example, 1, is unique, and identifies a tool in LN.

Service Task

The task covered by the billable line.

Actual Start Time

The date and time when the service engineer starts working on the assigned activity.

Actual Finish Time

The date and time when the service engineer completes the assigned activity.

Service Contract
Installment Start Date

The start date of the installment period.

Installment End Date

The installment end date and time.

Travel Costs
Travel Time Amount

The cost incurred for travel from the service center to location.


The field is included in invoice data, along with the other service order data, if:

  • In the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session, Service Order Type is set to Service Order or Service Call.
  • The Consolidate Travel cost check box is selected in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
Travel Distance Amount

The cost incurred for travel from the service center to location.


The field is included in invoice data, along with the other service order data, if:

  • In the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session, Service Order Type is set to Service Order or Service Call.
  • The Consolidate Travel cost check box is selected in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
Forecast Cost Amount

The estimated cost that will be incurred while servicing items. The amount is expressed in the home currency.

Debit/Credit Notes
Debit/Credit Notes
Type of Document

Either of the following:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Advance Receipt
Original Schedule Number

The original schedule number.

Remittance Code

The code used to identify the remittance advice.

Remittance Serial Number

The sequence number of the remittance advice.

Credit Analyst
Invoice Discount
Invoice Discount Date

The date of the first invoice discount.

Invoice Discount Invoice Currency

The discount amount that applies to the first invoice.

Invoice Discount Date

The date of the second invoice discount.

Invoice Discount Invoice Currency

The discount amount that applies to the second invoice.

Invoice Discount Date

The date of the third invoice discount.

Invoice Discount Invoice Currency

The discount amount that applies to the third invoice.

Base Amount

The sales order amount on which the rebate is based.

Fixed Amount

If the rebate consists of a fixed amount, this is the rebate amount.

Rebate Percentage

The percentage to be paid to a sold-to business partner as a kind of discount for closing a sales order.

Growing Percentage

If the rebate contains a growing percentage, this is the growth percentage.

Header Text

Descriptive text or comments attached to the header.

Additional Header Text

Additional text attached to the header.

Line Text

Text attached to the billable line.

Detail Text

Detail text attached to the billable line.

Service Item Text

Text attached to a service item.

Solution Text

Text attached to a solution.

Footer Text

Descriptive text or comments attached to the footer.

Conversion Factor Delivery Unit

The conversion factor applied to the delivery unit.

Conversion Factor Price Unit

The conversion factor applied to the price unit.

Amount in Local Currency

The invoice amount in the local currency.

Detail Description

A description of the invoice line.

Packing Slip External

The number of an external packing slip.

Draft Guid

The generated internal code.

Additional Information
Invoice Delivery Method
Technical Reference

The project code.

Original Pay-by Business Partner

If the invoice is factored with recourse, this field contains the pay-by business partner that is linked to the invoice-to business partner of the invoice.

Related topics

Additional Field

User-defined fields that can be linked to LN tables.

The contents of additional fields can be transferred between LN tables. Additional information fields are meaningless to LN as no functional logic is linked to the contents of these fields.


Write Off Self-Billed Invoice

Use this command to write off selected billable lines (sales schedule with Receive Invoice selected and status Confirmed).

For more information, refer to Self-billed invoice matching.