Packaging Item Balances by Shipping Material Account (whwmd4175m000)

Use this session to view the total quantity of packaging items by shipping material account. LN updates the session when a new transaction is recorded in the Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000) session.


LN records the packaging item transactions only when the:

  • Extended Packaging Item Registration check box is selected in the Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.

  • Accountable check box is selected in the Packaging Items (whwmd4505m000) session.


The manual transactions with the status Planned are not counted. If the Status field changes to Confirmed, the packaging item balances are updated.


Shipping Material Account
The shipping mateial account of the balance quantities.
Shipping Material Account
The description or name of the code.
Packaging Item
The type of packaging items for which the balance quantities are displayed.
Packaging Item
The description or name of the code.
In Quantity
The quantity of packaging items received.
In Quantity
The unit in which the In Quantity is measured.
Out Quantity
The total of packaging items returned.


Print Shipping Material Accounts
Prints the shipping material account.