Item - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4101s000)

Use this session to change or view the default warehousing data for items.

The defaults you enter in this session are used when inserting a new item in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.


Item Type
The item type for which the default is defined.

The item type places the item in a group of items, so that certain functions of the package will only apply to that item.

Item Group
The code of the item group to which the defaults apply.
Item Valuation Group
An entity that is used to group items for inventory valuation purposes. To define an item valuation group, you must link an item valuation group code to the items that you want to include in the warehouse valuation group. Item valuation groups and warehouse valuation groups are linked, for example, to inventory valuation methods to valuate the item-warehouse combinations included in the warehouse and item valuation groups.
Inventory Allocation Level
The inventory allocation level for the current item stored in the current warehouse.
Default Supply System
You can specify a default supply system for every single item type and item group combination. This value is defaulted to the Default Supply System field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.

Allowed values

Supply System

Product Assembly Kit Part
If this check box is selected, the item can be used as assembly part in the Assembly Kit Parts List (whwmd4151m000) session.
Packing Instructions
If this check box is selected, packing instructions are available. To view or edit packing instructions, press Ctrl-T and in the dialog that appears, select Packing Instructions.
Exclude from Cycle Counting
The default value of the Exclude from Cycle Counting field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.
If Inventory becomes Zero
Indicates the value based on which the cycle counting data must be processed if the registered inventory of a stockpoint becomes zero.

The following cycle counting values are available:

  • Forced Cycle Count: The existing cycle counting data is maintained.

    Use the option to force cycle counts for a stockpoint, if its system inventory becomes zero. If you select the value Forced Cycle Count, the Force Cycle Count check box in the Cycle Counting Data (whinh5140m000) session is automatically set to selected.

  • Regular Cycle Count: The existing cycle counting data is maintained.

    Use the option to cycle count based on the cycle count interval specified in the Counting Interval in Weeks group box.

  • No Cycle Count: The existing cycle counting data is removed if no active cycle counting order is present for the stock point.

    Use the option to remove the cycle count data of a zero stock point. The cycle count data is removed when the record in the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session is deleted.

  • The default value for the field is retrieved from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

  • The field is disabled if the Exclude from Cycle Counting check box is selected and the default value is set to No Cycle Count.

Hazardous Material
If this check box is selected, the item is hazardous. This can be important information for storage and transport.
Class of Risk
The class of risk that applies to the hazardous material. This field is only accessible when the Hazardous Material check box is selected.

This field is used to select data to print national bills of lading, CMRs, freight documents, and inventory data in the Warehouse Orders module.

Item Text
If this check box is selected, item text is available. To view or edit item text, press Ctrl-T and in the dialog that appears, select Item Text.
Ownership Registration Level

The default value in this field is Warehouse. The value that you select in this field is taken as the default value for the Ownership Registration Level field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.

The following constraints apply to the values of this list:

  • List value Location is available if location control is enabled for the item type or item group of the current item.
  • List value Physical Item is available if handling units are used the Warehousing package, that is, if the Handling Units in Use check box is selected in the Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.
  • List value Physical Item and Location is available if the current item is location controlled and the Handling Units in Use check box is selected in the Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.
Ownership Issue Priority

The default value for this field is Free. However, this value is not available if the value in the Ownership Registration Level field is Warehouse. The value that you select in this field is taken as the default value for the Ownership Issue Priority field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.

List value Not Owned Inventory First is applicable to manufactured items, purchased items, and generic items.

Ownership for Return to Warehouse
This field determines how to handle the ownership for production return orders. On a production order, a business partner is not known. As a result, Manufacturing cannot read an agreement. Instead, Manufacturing obtains a default value from the Ownership Behavior for Return Orders field of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session. The following values are available: Ownership Behavior. The default value in this field is Delivery Terms Based.
Process Inventory Variances Automatically
If this check box is selected, LN processes inventory variances automatically.
Use Fulfillment Plan
This field provides the default value for the Use Fulfillment Plan check box in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.
Storage Data
Location Controlled
If this check box is selected, the item is location-controlled

If this check box is cleared, the item is not location-controlled

Floor Stock
If this check box is selected, the item originates from floor inventory.

Items can be stored as floor inventory if:

  • Their associated inventory carrying costs are low.
  • They are present on the shop floor.
  • Issues may not be entered manually.

The item originating from the floor stock can appear as a component in the production bill of material or as material in the formula. In the case of a production order containing floor stock items, the estimated and actual data are the same. This means that the estimated quantities are automatically issued from inventory. With backflushing these are the quantities, calculated on the basis of the output of the production order or the quantity in the production batch.

If this check box is cleared, the item does not originate from the floor stock and costing is based on the actual usage.

Inventory Carrying Costs
The inventory carrying costs constitute the cost of storing one inventory unit of an item for one year: these costs include interest, storage space, and risk.

Allowed values

0 - 9999999.9999

Default value



Inventory costs are used in the Calculate Economic Order Quantity (Camp) (whina2201m000) session.

Inventory Carrying Costs
The currency in which carrying costs are expressed.
Frequency for Storage Inspection
The frequency of the cycle counts of this item in days.

Allowed values

0 - 999

Default value


You can generate regular cycle counts. For these counts, only those items are considered for which the value of this field is not equal to zero.

The length of the item.
The unit in which the length of the item is measured.
The width of the item.
The height of the item.
Issue Data
Expected Annual Issue
The quantity of items which is expected to be used (issued) per year.

Allowed values

0 - 999999999.9999

Default value


  • For the ABC analysis of items with a historical usage spanning no more than 3 periods, the expected annual issue is used in the Perform ABC Analysis (whina6210m000) session.
  • The expected annual issue is also used in the Calculate Economic Order Quantity (Camp) (whina2201m000) session.
  • The expected annual issue is updated through the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session.
Forecast Method
The forecast method determines how the expected demand for the item group in the next period is forecast.
  • moving average
  • exponential smoothing
  • Previous Year's Calculation, using the calculation of the previous year as an estimate for the demand.
  • Last Period's Demand, using the demand in the previous period as a forecast for the consecutive period.

These methods must be predefined in the Forecast Methods (whina2100m000) session. The forecast method is only used in the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session, which serves to compute:

  • The demand forecast for the next period
  • The safety stock
  • The reorder point
  • The expected annual issue for each item
Outbound Method
Outbound Method
The outbound priority for the issuing from inventory.

If the item is of type Service or Cost, the outbound priority By Location is mandatory.

Allowed values

  • LIFO
    Using the LIFO system to determine demand, the inventory with the latest inventory date will be the first inventory to be issued.
  • FIFO
    Using the FIFO system to determine demand, the inventory with the earliest inventory date will be the first inventory to be issued.
  • By Location
    Using the outbound system By Location to determine demand, the inventory will be issued from inventory based on the outbound priority of the locations. The inventory date will not be taken into account. Note that you can use the By Location method for warehouses with and without locations.

Performance aspects

Using the outound methods may result in a considerable increase of records in your system and may impact system performance. For information on using outbound methods while limiting data growth and the use of system resources, see Outbound methods

Period for Shelf Life
Period for Shelf Life
The unit of time in which the item's shelf life is expressed.
Shelf Life [Periods]
The shelf life indicates the length of time that the item can be held in inventory.

Allowed values

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 999

Advanced Negative Inventory
Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage
If this check box is selected, LN creates outbound advice, even if insufficient inventory is available.

This option is only available if, in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, the Advanced Negative Inventory check box is selected.

Allow Negative Inventory without On Order
If this check box is selected, LN will not block confirmation of the picking list line if insufficient inventory is available or on order.

This option is only available if, in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, the Advanced Negative Inventory check box is selected.

Lot Tracking
If this check box is selected, the item's lots are tracked in Warehousing.

You can only select this check box if the item is lot controlled. An item is lot controlled if for the item the Lot Controlled check box in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session is selected.

Related topics

Lot in Inventory
If this check box is selected, the full lot-control functionality is available. If this check box is cleared, LN does not record the inventory for each combination of lot and warehouse, and location. For more information, refer to Lot control (not in inventory).

You can only select this check box if the item is lot controlled. An item is lot controlled if for the item the Lot Controlled check box in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session is selected.

If this check box is selected, the following fields, which are used in the high volume scenario, are set to read-only and have the Not Applicable value:

  • Lot Entry for Direct Delivery
  • Lot Entry During Receipt
  • Lot Entry During Transfer
  • Register Lot Issue During As Built
Lot Price
The default value of the Lot Price field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.
Lot Price
The default value of the Lot Price field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.

You can only select this check box if the following apply:

  • The item is lot controlled.
  • The Lot in Inventory check box is selected.

After any inventory has become present for the item or after any issues have been made, you can no longer change the setting of this check box. In that situation, you can change the inventory valuation method by using the Change Valuation Method (whina1232m000) session.

Related topics

Lots Not in Inventory
Lot Entry for Direct Delivery
If the value of this field is Yes, and the order line on the ASN is a direct delivery purchase line, you must register the lot code in the ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000) session.

If you enter a template in the Lot and Serial Registration Template field, the settings of that field can overrule this field.

Lot Entry During Receipt
The default value of the Lot Entry During Receipt field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.

If the Lots in Inventory check box is selected, this field has the value Not Applicable and cannot be changed.

If the value of this field is No, the option to register lot codes of received items during receipt is not available.

Lot Entry During Transfer
The default value of the Lot Entry During Transfer field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.

Leaving this field set to No can adversely affect lot tracking.

Register Lot During As Built
The default value of the Register Lot During As Built field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.

This field can have the following values:

  • Not Applicable
    The Lot in Inventory check box is selected, and this field is read-only.
  • Yes
    If a component is issued for the production of a serialized item (order origin is SFC Production), registration of lot codes for is mandatory. You can enter the lot codes in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. If lot tracking is required, this entry will also result in an entry for lot tracking. If the component is not a serialized item, you must register the lot during outbound or during shipment.
  • No
    You cannot register lots in the as-built process. In this case you must register lots before confirm shipment, either in the Outbound Advice Lots and Serials (whinh4126m000) session or the Shipment Line Lots and Serials (whinh4133m000) session.
Register Lot in Service & Maintenance
This field determines whether you must fill lot distribution tables for items issues in Warehousing or in Service.

The values of this field determine at which point you must register lot numbers for lot items whose issue from the warehouse is initiated by orders of the following origin:

  • Maintenance Work
  • Maintenance Work (Manual)
  • Service
  • Service (Manual)
  • Maintenance Sales
  • Maintenance Sales (Manual)

For this field, the following values are available:

  • If the Lot in Inventory check box is cleared and the value of the current field is No, the registration of issued lot numbers is carried out by Warehousing. The lot information is passed to Service when the warehouse order is shipped.
  • If the Lot in Inventory check box is cleared and the value of the current field is Yes, the registration of lot numbers used in maintenance is carried out by Service.
  • If the Lot in Inventory check box is selected, in which case the low volume scenario is used, the value of the current field is Not Applicable.
Serial Tracking
If this check box is selected, the item's serial number is tracked in Warehousing, which enables you to view the following information on serialized items:
  • The inbound or outbound orders for which serial numbers are registered. This information is displayed in the Serial Tracking - Overview (whltc5515m000) session.
  • The outbound orders for which serial numbers are registered. This information is displayed in the Item - Serials - Issues (whltc5510m000) session.
  • The inbound orders for which serial numbers are registered. This information is displayed in the Item - Serials - Receipts (whltc5511m000) session.
  • The serial number, the originating order, and other data by item for inbound items in the Order - Serials (whltc5512m000) session.

You can only select this check box if the item is a serialized item. An item is serialized if, in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session, the Serialized check box is selected for the item.

Serials in Inventory
If this check box is selected, the low volume scenario is used, which means that serial numbers are individually stored in inventory. You can view the serial numbers in inventory in the Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000) session.

Select this check box for low volume environments in which intensive tracking of serialized items, throughout the goods flow, is required and where each serialized item must be handled individually.

Clear this check box for high volume environments in which serialized items do not require tracking throughout the goods flow, individual handling, and storage in inventory.

If serials are stored in inventory, you cannot enable backflushing in Manufacturing. For more information, refer to Backflush Materials.

You can only select this check box if he Assembly Control module is not implemented.


If this check box is unavailable, make sure the Direct Process Warehouse Order line check box in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session is cleared.

If this check box is selected, you can convert the serialized item to not being recorded in inventory. For this purpose, choose Convert to Not in Inventory if inventory is present for the item. As a result, this check box is cleared and the serial number in inventory records that are stored in the Lot Control module are deleted.

If this check box is selected, the following fields, which are used in the high volume scenario, are set to read-only and have the Not Applicable value:

  • Serial Number Entry for Direct Delivery
  • Serial Number Entry During Receipt
  • Serial Number Entry During Transfer
  • Register Serial Issue During As Built
  • Register Serial Issue in Service & Maintenance
Serial Price
If this check box is selected, the serial price and valuation method serial price is maintained by default.

You can select this check box if:

  • The Serials in Inventory check box is selected for the item.
  • The item type of the item is either of the following:

    • Purchased
    • Manufactured
    • Generic
Serials Not in Inventory
Serial Number Entry for Direct Delivery
This field is available if the high volume scenario is used. The high volume scenario is used if the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared.

If the Serials in Inventory check box is selected, the low volume scenario is used. As a result, the current field is read-only and the value is Not Applicable.

If the value of this field is Yes, and the order line on the ASN is a direct delivery purchase line, you must register the serial number in the ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000) session.

Serial Number Entry During Receipt
This field is available if the high volume scenario is used. The high volume scenario is used if the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared.

If the Serials in Inventory check box is selected, the low volume scenario is used. As a result, the current field is read-only and the value is Not Applicable.

If the value of this field is Yes, you must register the serial numbers of received serialized items in the Receipt Line Serials (whinh3123m000) session.

If the value of this field is No, the option to register serial numbers of received serialized items during receipt is not available.

Registration of received serial numbers can be useful in tracking what happens to which serial, for example, during inspection. If you access the Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000) session from the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session, you can view and maintain serial numbers for items that must be rejected or destroyed.

You can change the setting of this check box, but if inventory exists for for the current item, a warning to that effect appears.

Serial Number Entry During Transfer
This field is available if the high volume scenario is used. The high volume scenario is used if the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared. This field can have the following values:
  • Not Applicable
    The Serials in Inventory check box is selected, and this field is read-only.
  • Yes
    Registration of serial numbers for transfer orders is mandatory. However, the impact of this value depends on the value of the Serial Number Entry During Receipt field:
    • If the value of the Serial Number Entry During Receipt field is Yes, serial number registration for both the inbound and outbound lines of transfer orders is mandatory.
    • If the value of the Serial Number Entry During Receipt field is No, serial number registration is not available for the transfer order receipt lines.
  • No
    Serial number registration is not available for transfer order outbound or receipt lines.
Register Serial Issue During As Built
This field is available if the high volume scenario is used. The high volume scenario is used if the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared. The values of this field determine at which point you must register serial numbers for component items that are issued from the warehouse to the shop floor to manufacture end items listed on production orders in Manufacturing.

To issue component items, the following methods are available:

  • LN allocates the component items to the production order without performing a warehouse issue procedure, therefore no outbound order lines are created to issue the components.
  • Automatic warehouse processing
    After you release the production order, LN creates an automatically processed warehousing order of the Issue and SFC Production origin.
  • Manual warehouse processing
    The same as the previous method, except that the warehousing order is processed manually.

The values in this field relate to the third method, Manual warehouse processing.

This field can have the following values:

  • Not Applicable
    The Serials in Inventory check box is selected, and this field is read-only.
  • Yes
    After the production order is released, register serial numbers for the component items to be issued in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session of Manufacturing.
  • No
    When you process the outbound order to issue the component items, you must register serial numbers for the outbound advice related to the outbound order lines. Note that if you select this value, you cannot select the Backflush Materials and Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check boxes in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session. The settings of these check boxes determine which of the methods to issue components for production orders is used. However, if the Backflush Materials and Direct Proc. WH Order Line check boxes are selected in Manufacturing, you cannot select this value.
Register Serial Issue in Service & Maintenance
This check box is available if the high volume scenario is used. The high volume scenario is used if the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared.

The values of this field determine at which point you must register serial numbers for serialized items whose issue from the warehouse is initiated by orders of the following origin:

  • Maintenance Work
  • Maintenance Work (Manual)
  • Service
  • Service (Manual)
  • Maintenance Sales
  • Maintenance Sales (Manual)

For this field, the following values are available:

  • If the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared and the value of the current field is No, the registration of issued serial numbers is carried out by Warehousing.
  • If the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared and the value of the current field is Yes, the registration of serial numbers used in maintenance is carried out by Service.
  • If the Serials in Inventory check box is selected, in which case the low volume scenario is used, the value of the current field is Not Applicable.
Lots and Serials
Lot and Serial Registration Template
The lot and serial registration template. To select a template, zoom to the Lot and Serial Registration Templates (whwmd4102m000) session.
Print Lots and Serial Numbers on Shipment Reports
If this check box is selected, LN prints the lot codes and serial numbers on the shipment documents. This option is especially required if the shipment documents are printed automatically.

The value of this field is defaulted from the Print Stock Point Details on Shipment Documents field in the Items - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4501m000) session.

Handling Units
Handling Units in Use
If this check box is selected, the use of handling units is enabled for the item. This checkbox is automatically selected if the value of the Ownership Registration Level field is Physical Item and Location or Physical Item.
Handling Unit Version Controlled
If this check box is selected, handling units used for the current item are version controlled. Handling units for which splitting is enabled can be defined as version controlled. If a handling unit is version controlled, you can use the handling unit after it has been split. For each split-up handling unit, a new version code is generated.

Handling units can be split up into two or more handling units, for example, as a result of inbound advice to different locations. A version-controlled handling unit is modified and kept active after activities such as adding or taking out inventory.

Log Version History
If this check box is selected, history records are maintained for the versions of version-controlled handling units of the item. Handling unit version history is displayed in the Handling Unit Version History (whwmd5531m000) session.
Track Handling Unit Status
If this check box is selected, a history record is generated for each status change of a handling unit. Handling unit history is displayed in the Handling Unit Version History (whwmd5531m000) session.
Dynamic Cross-docking
Dynamic Cross-docking
If this check box is selected, dynamic cross-docking is possible for this item.

Related topics

Minimum Cross-dock Quantity
No cross-dock orders will be generated for quantities less than this value.
  • The value defined in this field serves as default for the corresponding field in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • You can always manually create cross-dock orders that do not comply with the values of the quantity fields. These fields only apply to the generation of cross-dock orders during release to warehousing and the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.
Maximum Cross-dock Quantity
No cross-dock orders will be generated for quantities more than this value.
  • The value defined in this field serves as default for the corresponding field in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • You can always manually create cross-dock orders that do not comply with the values of the quantity fields. These fields only apply to the generation of cross-dock orders during release to warehousing and the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.
Create Cross-dock Order for Maximum
This field indicates whether a cross-dock order will be generated for the maximum cross-dock quantity if the ordered quantity of the outbound order line is more than the quantity defined in the Maximum Cross-dock Quantity field.
Maximum cross-dock qtyIssue order released to WHResulting cross-dock order if this check box is...
100 pcs120 pcs100 pcs-
100 pcs80 pcs80 pcs80 pcs


  • The value defined in this field serves as default for the corresponding field in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • You can always manually create cross-dock orders that do not comply with the values of the quantity fields. These fields only apply to the generation of cross-dock orders during release to warehousing and the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.
Direct Material Supply
DMS Supplied
If this check box is selected, the item is DMS supplied.
DMS upon Receipt
Indicates whether DMS will be carried out for this item after confirm receipt.
DMS upon SFC Receipt
Indicates whether DMS will be carried out for this item after confirm receipt of an SFC order.
DMS on Inventory
Indicates whether DMS will be applied to the inventory for this item.