Shipment acceptance - procedure

Shipment acceptance is part of the shipping process applicable for the Material Inspection and Receiving Report (DD Form 250). You can view the list of all the shipments that need source and/ or destination acceptance in the Shipment Acceptance (whinh4130m200) session.

Source Acceptance - Process

Complete the following steps:

  1. Enter source accepted/ not shipped quantities on the shipment lines

    • Unfreeze shipment line when the shipment is already frozen.
    • Unfreeze shipment when the shipment header is already frozen.
    • Enter accepted quantity
      • LN defaults the value in the Not Shipped Quantity field automatically with the difference in the Picked Quantity and the Source Accepted Quantity.
    • Note: When the shipment line contains Handling Units, Stock Point Details or Multiple Packing Structure data, the Source Accepted Quantity cannot be modified. The Not Shipped Quantity must be modified manually using the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) and Shipment Line Packing Structure (whinh4136m000) sessions respectively. When you accept the shipment line (complete or partial) using Accept option from the Actions menu of the shipment lines pane in the Shipment Acceptance (whinh4630m100) session, the Source Accepted Quantity is populated with the difference in the Picked Quantity and the Not Shipped Quantity.
  2. Execute Source Acceptance on Shipment Header

    • Freeze the shipment header (including the shipment lines that are not frozen).
    • Select the Source Accepted check box in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. Specify the Source Acceptance Date and Source Acceptance by.
      • Note: LN allows you to do so only when all the shipment lines that require shipment acceptance meet the criteria: Picked Quantity = Source Accepted Quantity+ Not Shipped Quantity.
    • Note: If the Source Accepted check box is selected for the shipment in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session, LN does not allow you to unfreeze the shipment and all the linked shipment lines.
  3. Modify the source acceptance on already accepted shipment header that is not yet confirmed

    • Clear the Source Accepted check box in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. The values in the Source Acceptance Date and Source Acceptance by fields, are no longer displayed.
    • Unfreeze the shipment or shipment line that needs modification.
    • Enter the new Source Accepted Quantity or Not Shipped Quantity.
    • Freeze the shipment header or shipment line.
    • Select the Source Accepted check box in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.
Destination Acceptance

Destination acceptance can be performed only when the shipment line has the Status set to Confirmed. When the Destination Acceptance Required is selected for the shipment line in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, the Destination Rejected Quantity can be defined and is used only for reference. Inventory movements or financial transactions are no longer booked for this inventory. The project deliverable is updated with the Destination Rejected Quantity in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

LN allows you to modify the setting for the Destination Acceptance Required field on the shipment header irrespective of the field setting for shipment lines in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. Note: The field cannot be modified for the shipment line.

The Destination Rejected Quantity cannot be modified when the Destination Accepted check box is selected in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. LN does not allow you to remove the shipment lines for which Destination Acceptance Required check box is selected in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, until the Destination Acceptance Required check box is selected for the shipment header in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.