Extra Intrastat information in Warehouse Management

The Extra Intrastat info is used to provide additional information for intrastat transactions. The extra intrastat info code must be linked to the warehouse order lines to support the information that is strongly related to the type of business. Example: additional information for normal sales, sales returns, or repairs.

The intrastat data that you specify in the Extra Intrastat Info field is not present in LN. The extra intrastat info code can be linked to:

The value in the Extra Intrastat Info field is retrieved from the originating order line when warehouse orders are generated from packages such as Sales, Procurement, and Service.

The value of the Extra Intrastat Info field in the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session or an Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session is defaulted in the following order from:

  1. The originating order line or originating package.
  2. The Departments (tcmcs0165s000) session or the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.
  3. The Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session.