Searching for ASN error messages

The supplier's ASN number is the most frequently used number if you use Advanced Shipment Notices (ASNs) to support the process of receiving goods in the warehouse. You can create receipt of goods from a supplier's ASN number using the Receive (Easy Entry) group box in the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session. You can specify a supplier's ASN number in the Number (Line) field in the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session to create receipt of goods.

When an EDI message is received, an ASN is created. Sometimes an EDI message is received in the LN Electronic Commerce package, but the ASN/shipment notice is not created in the Warehousing because of an error when processing the EDI messages. The EDI message may result in an error when the message is received electronically from the supplier. In this scenario, when LN cannot find the supplier's ASN number in the Warehousing at the time of receipt, LN does the following:

  • Checks for the EDI warning/error messages and display these messages to the user.

  • Lists the EDI warning/error messages in the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session.

    If LN finds an ASN, a receipt line is created.

    If LN cannot find the supplier's ASN number in the Warehousing at the time of receipt, but error/warning messages exist for the received EDI message, LN logs the receipt messages in the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session with the value of the Receipt Line field set to zero.


When you delete the receipt header from the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session, the receipt messages for which the value of the Receipt Line field is zero are deleted from the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session.