Additional costs in Warehousing

LN allows you to add additional costs to shipments. You can use the following two types of items for adding additional costs to the shipments:

  • Cost Items
  • Service Items

Warehousing calculates the additional costs for a shipment if:

  • You set the Calculate Additional Costs For field to Shipments in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000) session.

  • At least one shipment line of origin sales order or sales schedule must be present in the shipment.

Additional cost lines can be attached to a shipment in the following two ways:

  • Generate additional cost lines

  • Manually insert the additional cost lines

Generate Additional Cost Lines

Whether additional cost lines are generated depends on the setup of cost sets in Sales. Use the Sales Additional Cost Set - Items (tdsls0624m000) session to define additional cost sets and to link cost items to a cost set. For more information, refer to Additional costs – setup.

LN determines the applicable cost items based on the total weight, value, or quantity of a shipment. The total weight, value, or quantity of a shipment includes all order lines on the shipment, also those from order origins other than sales orders and sales schedules. You can generate a specific cost line for Hazardous Material in case one or more items of the sales order or the shipment is marked as hazardous. To define an item as hazardous, you can select the Hazardous Material check box in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session. Furthermore, you must define a proper cost set with cost items in the session mentioned above.

The shipment-based and item-dependent additional costs are added to the shipments in Warehousing as separate shipment lines in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session the moment a shipment is confirmed. The additional shipment cost lines are initially generated in Warehousing and sent to Sales, where a cost order is generated for the shipment when the shipment is confirmed. You can add, change, and/or remove additional cost lines in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session before confirmation of the shipment.

If the Interactive Adding of Additional Costs check box is selected in the Sales Cost Sets by Price List / Business Partner (tdsls0527m000) session, LN displays a question whether additional costs must be calculated or not. Otherwise, costs are added automatically. A third option is to manually retrieve additional costs through the Calculate Additional Costs command in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. This allows the user to modify these costs.

Manual Insertion of additional cost lines

You can also manually add cost or service items on cost lines to a shipment. You can also specify the quantity and amount for manual cost lines. Manually inserted lines are not affected when additional cost lines are regenerated.

Cost Item Amount

The amount of the cost items is retrieved from Pricing, or from the standard sales price. For more information, refer to Additional costs – setup. LN does not allow discounts for cost lines on the shipment. Generated cost lines only have an amount and no quantity. For manual cost lines, both the amount and quantity can be specified. The user is allowed to change or remove cost lines in interactive mode.


In case one or more additional cost lines are present for the shipment, a sales cost order is generated when the shipment is confirmed in Warehousing, but only if the Update Deliveries field is set to Direct in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. Otherwise, LN adds the cost lines to the Deliveries (whinh4139m000) session. In that case, the user processes the deliveries and the additional cost lines create a cost order in Sales. The cost order is released to Invoicing together with the delivered sales order lines. When the invoice is composed for a shipment in Invoicing, LN updates the invoice number and invoice date on the warehouse shipment order.

Printing Shipping Documents

You can print the following shipping documents:

  • Print Cost/Service Item on Shipping Manifest

  • Print Cost/Service Item on Packing Slip

  • Print Cost/Service Item on Goods Received Notes

  • Print Cost/Service Item on Delivery Note