Inventory disposition - to accept rejected inventory

LN performs the following steps:

  • If the Disposition Inventory Blocked for Planning check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, unblock the quantity accepted in the Rejected Inventory (whwmd2570m000) session.
  • If present, decrease the blocked quantity in the following sessions:

    • The item inventory sessions, such as the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.
    • Project Inventory (whwmd2560m000)
    • Consigned Receipts (whwmd2550m000)
    • Customer Owned Receipts (whwmd2550m100)
  • If the warehouse is non location controlled, put away the accepted goods in the warehouse.
  • If location controlled, advise goods to storage location after user creates inbound advice. If inbound advice is automatic according to warehousing procedure, generate inbound advice.
  • Put away inbound advice.

Contrary to standard rejected goods handling, LN generates no:

  • Adjustment order to remove accepted goods from reject location.
  • Receipt line to again receive the accepted goods.

This is because accepted inventory is directly moved to storage or through inbound advice.

You cannot cross-dock and run direct material supply for goods that were accepted after rejection.