Shipping structures

Single order settings

In addition to the standard requirements described in Conditions for shipment composition and Shipments and loads, the following warehouse order type settings determine how shipment lines, shipments, and, if implemented, shipping containers, are structured to form loads:

Create shipment line

When a shipment line is created for a warehousing order and Single Order Set per Shipment or Single Shipment is selected for the order type of the warehousing order, the shipment line is linked to an existing shipment if the shipment is linked to the same warehousing order ( Single Shipment selected) or order set (if Single Order Set per Shipment is selected). If no such shipment is present, a new shipment is created. If Single Order per Load is selected, a new load is created if no matching load is present.

Shipment lines are generated during the outbound procedure or manually created. For more information, refer to The outbound procedure and Manually created shipments.

Move shipment line

If a shipment line refers to a warehousing order with order type setting Single Shipment or Single Order Set per Shipment, you can only move the shipment line to a shipment that refers to the same warehousing order or order set, respectively. You can also move a shipment line to a shipping container and load if the shipment of the shipment line and the destination load and shipping container belong to the same warehousing order.

You can move shipment lines in the Compose Shipping Structure graphical user interface or the Compose Shipment (whinh4231m000) session.

Move shipment

To move a shipment to a load created for a warehousing order with order type setting Single Order per Load, the shipment must belong to the same warehousing order.

You can move shipments in the Compose Shipping Structure graphical user interface or the Compose Load (whinh4134m000) session.

To compose shipping containers

You can move shipments from one shipping containers to the next within the same load if the status of the shipments and the shipping containers is Open.

If a shipment for which the shipping manifest is printed is moved to another shipping container, a new shipping manifest must be printed after the shipment is moved. If a shipment is added to a shipping container for which the shipping manifest is printed, the shipping manifest must be printed again.

If a shipment with a handling unit is moved to a shipping container with a handling unit, the handling unit of the shipment is unlinked from the handling unit of the source container and linked to the handling unit of the destination shipping container. In addition, the gross weights and the net weights of the shipping containers is recalculated. You can use the Compose Shipping Structure graphical user interface to compose shipping containers.