InventoryConsumption message

The InventoryConsumption message provides information about an individual consumption from the VMI warehouse. The customer, responsible for warehouse management, sends the message to the supplier, who owns the goods or is responsible for planning.

The message contains consumption information by warehouse, item, ownership, lots, and serials.

If the supplier owns goods in the VMI warehouse, he must be informed of consumptions of goods that he owns to start up invoicing. If the supplier is responsible for supply planning, he must be informed of all consumptions. Therefore, the customer must send this message for all consumptions from the VMI warehouse.

Note that in this release, you can receive but not send the InventoryConsumption message.

Processing consumptions in the supplier's administrative warehouse

On receipt of the InventoryConsumption message, the inventory of the administrative warehouse is reduced to reflect the real consumptions taking place in the VMI warehouse managed by the customer. If supplier owned inventory is consumed, LN creates a sales order to reduce the inventory level and to invoice the customer. If the consumed inventory is owned by the customer, the inventory is reduced. The issues from the administrative warehouse are stored in the Consumptions (tdsls4140m000) session.


As a result of the issue of inventory from the administrative warehouse, shipments are created. For these shipments, shipment messages must not be sent, because no physical shipping has taken place.