Rejected inventory paid by - properties for inbound inspections

In the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session, the order origin and the ownership behavior determine to a large extent who pays for not-owned rejected inventory for inbound inspections. The following table shows the order origins and the ownership behavior that determine the default value and the read-write or read-only property of the Rejected Inventory Paid By field.

Order originOwnershipDefault valueRead-only Yes or No
Any valueReturn as IssuedNot ApplicableYes
Any valueCustomer OwnedOwnerYes
Purchase related originsAny valueOwnerYes
Transfer and Transfer (Manual)ConsignedOwn CompanyNo
Company Owned or Not ApplicableOwn CompanyYes
Sales related originsConsignedOwn CompanyNo
Company Owned or Not ApplicableOwn CompanyYes
Service related originsConsignedOwn CompanyNo
Company Owned or Not ApplicableOwn CompanyYes
Production related ordersConsignedOwn CompanyNo
Company Owned or Not ApplicableOwn CompanyYes
Project related originsConsignedOwn CompanyNo
Company Owned or Not ApplicableOwn CompanyYes