WMS and the warehousing reconciliation procedure

The warehousing reconciliation procedure includes the following steps:

  • Initiate reconciliation
  • Reconcile inventory
  • Analyze reconciliation results
  • Process cycle counting order*
*This optional step updates just the inventory and not any related orders. Therefore, Infor strongly recommends that users correct the related orders instead, and process the generated cycle counting order only after careful consideration.


Initiate reconciliation

Users can initiate the reconciliation process by means of the WMS Reconciliation (whwmd2207m000) session, which will send a request to the WMS for a cycle count based on a user-defined selection range.

Reconcile inventory

After receiving the inventory levels from the WMS, the inventory will be reconciled in LN, resulting in a cycle counting order of type Reconciliation.


If no cycle counting order of type Reconciliation was created, all inventory levels in LN match the inventory levels in the WMS.

Analyze reconciliation results

If a cycle counting order of type Reconciliation exists, each order line must be reviewed to determine whether the order line requires processing. The cause of the inventory difference must be resolved first to avoid future inventory mismatches. A possible cause can be that some messages could not be processed. In that case, the WBI Admin Console can be used to investigate and reprocess these messages.

  • If a user decides not to correct an inventory difference, because, for example, the inventory difference has already disappeared, the cycle counting order line must be deleted.
  • Whereas users can delete cycle counting order lines for a reconciliation order, they cannot update or add cycle counting order lines for a cycle counting order of type Reconciliation, because these order lines originate from the WMS.
Process cycle counting order

Optionally, the cycle counting order can be processed, so the inventory differences will be actually corrected. This involves two steps:

  • Processing inventory differences
  • Processing blocking differences

This optional step updates just the inventory and not any related orders. Therefore, Infor strongly recommends that users correct the related orders instead, and process the generated cycle counting order only after careful consideration.

Processing inventory differences

The process flow for processing the inventory differences is similar to the standard process for processing cycle counting order lines.

The order of processing regular inventory differences and WMS- LN reconciliation differences is situation specific. Consider the following cases:

  • Inventory must be decreased, but the inventory is blocked. This requires removal of the blocking.

    Processing order:

    1. Blocking reconciliation distribution of the order line.
    2. Regular inventory differences.
  • Inventory must be increased, then blocked.

    Processing order:

    1. Regular inventory differences.
    2. Blocking reconciliation distribution of the order line.
Processing blocking differences

Processing differences of blocked inventory is slightly different from processing regular inventory differences. If a distribution of Blocked Inventory Reconciliation exists for the cycle counting order line in the Cycle Counting Order Line Blocking Reconciliation (whinh5108m000) session, for each line in this distribution the following applies:

  • The blocking record is searched: the stock point of the blocking must match the stock point of the cycle counting order line and the reason for blocking must match the reason in the distribution.
  • If the blocking is found, the blocked quantity will be updated with the actual blocked quantity in storage unit of the cycle counting order line blocking reconciliation.
  • If no blocking is found, the blocked quantity will be created with the actual blocked quantity in storage unit of the cycle counting order line blocking reconciliation.
  • If the item is serialized in inventory, the serial numbers in the Blocking by Stock Point Serials (whwmd6135m000) session must be compared with the serial numbers in the Cycle Counting Order Line Serial Blocking Reconciliation (whinh5109m000) session. Any differences must be processed.
  • When the blockings by stock point are corrected, the status of the cycle counting order line becomes Processed.