WMS and warehousing outbound procedures

The initial status of a warehousing order outbound line is Planned, and, if the order is meant for the WMS, the corresponding WMS status will be Expected. This means that the order is not yet activated to start processing. When the status becomes Open, the order is ready to be processed. If the order is meant for the WMS, the WMS status changes to Sent. In turn, this status change will "publish" the order to the WMS.

Alternatively, users can activate warehousing orders by using the Activate Warehousing Orders (whinh2203m000) session. In this way, the order lines that belong to a warehousing order header can be sent at once to the WMS. In other words, the information to the WMS is sent by order.

The outbound process operates as follows:

  • LN sends the outbound warehousing order, optionally with allocation, to the WMS.
  • The WMS receives the outbound warehousing order from LN and creates a shipment order within the WMS that will allow for picking/shipping activity.
  • The WMS sends a message to LN, confirming that the allocation process has started.
  • The WMS processes picking and shipping requests against the shipment order and returns the results to LN. Outbound inspections are also processed and the results are returned to LN.

Based on the Generate Outbound Advice in LN parameter setting, two processing flows are possible:

  • LN creates and activates outbound order lines, and sends order data, warehouse, item, and ordered quantity to the WMS.
  • LN creates and activates outbound order lines, generates and releases outbound advice, and sends order data, warehouse, item, and allocated quantity to the WMS.

The processing steps are as follows:

  1. Generate or maintain warehouse outbound orders ( LN)
  2. Generate outbound advice (WMS or LN)
  3. Release outbound advice (WMS or LN)
  4. Generate picking list (WMS
  5. Maintain picking list (WMS)
  6. Pick goods (WMS)
  7. Maintain approvals (WMS)
  8. Confirm shipment (WMS)
  9. Print packing slips (WMS or LN)
  10. Print packing lists (WMS or LN)
  11. Print Bill of Lading (WMS or LN)
  12. Print loading list (WMS or LN)
  13. Print delivery notes (WMS or LN)
  14. Send ASN outbound message via EDI ( LN)
  15. Maintain and confirm back orders ( LN, but triggered by short shipments in WMS)
  16. Invoicing and processing originating orders ( LN)
Create outbound order

LN creates and activates an outbound-order line

If a WMS-controlled warehouse is involved, the order line is activated, and if in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session the Generate Outbound Advice in LN check box is cleared, the WMS status becomes Sent, otherwise Expected. When the WMS status changes to Sent, the order is published. If publication fails, the transaction will be undone.

An outbound order line with WMS status Sent is blocked for further processing awaiting new messages from the WMS. The outbound order can still be modified, in which case the order will be published again.

After receiving the appropriate message from the WMS, the WMS status becomes In Process. From this point onwards, the outbound order line can no longer be modified.

Upon receipt of the Delivery message from the WMS, the WMS status changes to Closed.

If the order line is blocked, users cannot perform any processing steps.

If an outbound order line is created for a non-physical item (cost, service or subcontracting) and, in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session the Non-physical Items check box is cleared, a shipment line is created automatically.

Determine outbound order line status

Based on the final shipment data received from the WMS, the outbound order line will be completely processed and the outbound order line status set to Shipped, even if the minimum tolerance is not met.

Create planned loads and shipments

This process is blocked if, in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, the Freight Management check box is cleared.


Irrespective of this parameter setting, users can still create freight orders and planning If outbound advice is created in LN.

Generate outbound advice

If a WMS-controlled warehouse is involved and, in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, the Generate Outbound Advice in LN check box is selected, LN is responsible for the allocation of inventory. Inventory allocation can be performed automatically or manually. In case of manual outbound advice, negative inventory is not allowed

  • The WMS ignores any serial numbers and/or lot codes entered in LN. If applicable, this data will be entered in the WMS instead.
  • The WMS can deviate from the proposed allocation. The outbound advice will then be overwritten by the data sent from the WMS.
  • If the WMS performs the allocation of inventory, this step in the outbound procedure will be blocked.
  • Creation of cross-dock orders in case of outbound shortage is only allowed if, in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, the Cross-docking check box is selected.
Release outbound advice

If a WMS-controlled warehouse is involved and, in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, the Generate Outbound Advice in LN check box is selected, LN is responsible for releasing outbound advice.

In LN Warehousing release of outbound advice initiates also the picking process if no picking list is required. This will be blocked in the WMS-controlled warehouse if allocation is performed in LN.

In case of items that are Lot not in Inventory or Serial not in Inventory, lot/serial distribution will be entered based on the data sent from the WMS.

Generate picking list

Not applicable in WMS-controlled warehouses.

Confirm picking list

Not applicable in WMS-controlled warehouses.

Outbound inspection

LN determines whether the outbound inspection is required for the particular line.

Results of the outbound inspection will be received from the WMS.

Confirm shipment

When applicable, this step is always performed automatically in the WMS-controlled warehouse.

The following standard LN checks are skipped in a WMS-controlled warehouse:

  • Credit check
  • Tolerance check

    The WMS sends only one Delivery transaction per order line and this shipment is always final.

Compose load

Users can compose already confirmed loads for WMS-controlled warehouses.

Print shipping documents

No changes due to WMS-controlled warehouses.