How to set up delivery notes

To make sure that the delivery notes functionality works in the preferred way, various parameters must be set and data must be defined in Warehousing and, if Freight is used, in Freight as well. For information on delivery note setup for Freight, see Delivery note setup in Freight Management.

Step 1. Enable delivery notes functionality

To enable the user to use the delivery notes functionality, in the Concepts (Logistics) tab of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, check the Delivery Notes check box.

Step 2. Define Reasons

In the Reason field of the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session, define two reasons, one with reason type Delivery Code and one with reason type Motive Of Transport.

The delivery code indicates the party that is to pay for the transportation of the goods listed on the delivery note. For example, you can define delivery code reasons such as Customer, Supplier, Shipper, and so on. The motive of transport indicates the reason why transportation takes place, for example, Sales, Scrap Yard, Repair, and so on. In addition, LN uses the motive of transport and the delivery code to allocate delivery notes to shipments and to combine shipments in loads.

Users can enter these reason codes in sales order lines, sales schedules, service orders, and maintenance sales orders. The reason codes will be defaulted on a delivery note when the delivery note is created. If not entered in these orders, the reason codes can be entered in warehousing orders and shipments. You can define default reason codes for order types and warehouses. This is discussed in the following steps.

Step 3. Define default reasons for order types

In the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session, you can define default delivery codes and motives of transport for warehousing order types that are linked to particular order types of originating orders. What you accomplish in this way, is that a delivery code or motive of transport is defaulted on a warehousing order that is created for a particular type of originating order if the user did not enter a delivery code or motive of transport on the originating order. LN then passes on the delivery code or motive of transport to the shipment, the load, and the delivery note.

Step 4. Set delivery note parameters

In the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100s000) session, select the required values for the following fields:

Step 5. Set user profiles

  • In the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session, select the required series in the Series for Delivery Notes field.
  • In the Default Devices by User (whwmd1545m000) session, select the required default device for the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session.
Step 6. Add print delivery note to shipment procedure

To enable delivery notes to be printed, in the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session, define the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session as an activity for the shipment procedures in which delivery notes are required.

Step 7. Enable or disable delivery notes for warehouses

For each warehouse, you must specify whether for items issued from the warehouse, delivery notes must be printed.

These settings overrule the warehousing procedure settings (see previous step). This means that if you specify that delivery notes must not be printed for a particular warehouse, no delivery notes are printed for orders requiring the issue of items from this warehouse even though the warehousing procedure for these orders includes delivery notes.

For this purpose, select the required values for the following fields in the Warehouses (whwmd2100s000) session:

Step 8. Adjust print delivery note activity for order activities

If the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session is defined as an activity for a particular shipment procedure, in the Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000) session, you can adjust the following settings of the activity for an individual warehousing order that uses this shipment procedure:

Note, however, that warehouse procedure settings that control delivery notes can be overruled by delivery note settings for warehouses, which is described in the previous step.

Step 9. Adjust print delivery note activity for order line activities

If the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session is defined as an activity for a particular shipment procedure, in the Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000) session, you can adjust the following settings of the activity for an individual warehousing order line that uses this shipment procedure:

Note, however, that warehouse procedure settings that control delivery notes can be overruled by delivery note settings for warehouses, which is described in step 7.