Lot control (not in inventory)

Lot control (not in inventory) is a special form of lot control, intended for high-volume, low-value items.

If you apply lot control (not in inventory) for a particular item, LN does not record the inventory for each combination of lot and warehouse, and location.

You can still record information about each lot, such as lot number, buy-from business partner, manufacturer, and certificate number—information that is used for quality assurance.

If you apply this type of lot control (that is, not in inventory) on a particular item, the consequences are the following:

  • For several transactions, depending on the parameter setting, you can register which lots were involved in the transaction. For more information, refer to Lot registration.
  • Lot tracking is possible, but only insofar as lot numbers and quantities have been entered for various transactions. Lot tracking does not check the consistency between the total quantity received versus the total issued quantity.
  • Lot pricing is impossible. No financial information or inventory-valuation information is available on lot level.

If you apply lot control ( not in inventory), LN can generate outbound advice lines or shipment lines for a combination of several lots. You can specify the quantity for each in separate distribution tables.


The functionality for lot control (not in inventory) is similar to the functionality for high-volume serial numbers.

To generate lot codes

If you need a new lot number, you can enter a lot number manually, or generate a lot number according to a user-defined mask.

If the Generate Lots Automatically check box in the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session had been selected, LN automatically generates lots wherever needed, for example, upon receipt of goods.

Print labels

During the outbound process, you can take any lot from the warehouse, but you must enter which lot you picked in the distribution table. Use clear print labels to obtain the lot number of the picked lot.