Receipt activity settings

The following tables show the default settings for the Applicable and Automatic check boxes in the Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000) session.

Receipt Procedure
Activity: Print Receipts (whinh3412m000)
Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000)Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000)
SelectedClearedClearedDisabledFor cost or service items, which you would not normally print on a goods received note.
SelectedClearedSelectedClearedFor physical items, cost, or service items that you must print on a goods received note.


Activity: Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000)
The settings for the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session activity are not changed when copied from the Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000) session to the Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000) session.


Activity: Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)
Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000)Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000)
Selected; this setting is read-only.SelectedSelectedSelectedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
Selected; this setting is read-only.SelectedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.
Selected; this setting is read-only.ClearedSelectedClearedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
Selected; this setting is read-only.ClearedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.


Activity: Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000)
Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000)Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000)
SelectedSelectedSelectedSelectedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
SelectedSelectedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.
SelectedClearedSelectedClearedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
SelectedClearedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.


Activity: Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000)
Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000)Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000)
SelectedClearedSelectedClearedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
SelectedClearedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.
SelectedSelectedSelectedSelectedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
SelectedSelectedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.


Activity: Storage List (whinh3525m100)
Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000)Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000)
SelectedClearedSelectedClearedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
SelectedClearedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.
SelectedSelectedSelectedSelectedBoth item and warehouse are location controlled.
SelectedSelectedClearedClearedItem or warehouse are not location controlled.


If the Applicable check box is cleared, the Automatic check box is disabled. If you select the Applicable check box, the Automatic check box is enabled.