Shipments and loads

A load consists of one or more shipments, and a shipment has one or more shipment lines.

Loads, shipments, and shipment lines are generated by Warehousing or by Freight. During the outbound procedure, Warehousing generates loads and shipments for outbound order lines with status Staged, unless an actual Freight load plan is present. For more information, refer to Freight loads and shipments, Warehousing loads and shipments, and The outbound procedure.

You can also manually create loads and shipments, which is usually done to adjust or replace generated loads and shipments.

Optionally, you can manually insert shipping containers, which provide a detailed insight into the packing structure of the shipments. If shipping containers are used, a load contains one or more shipping containers, a shipping container contains one or more shipments, and a shipment has one or more shipment lines. For further information on shipping containers, see Overview of kit handling in Warehouse Management.

Warehousing loads and shipments

LN generates loads, shipments, and shipment lines for the outbound order lines that obtain the Staged status as follows:

  1. Generate shipment line.
  2. Check if a shipment is present to which the shipment line can be linked.
  3. If yes, link shipment line to shipment. For more information, refer to How LN links a shipment line to a shipment

    If no, generate shipment.

  4. Check if a load is present to which the shipment can be linked.
  5. If yes, link shipment to load. For more information, refer to How LN links a shipment to a load

    If no, generate load and link shipment.


If an actual Freight load plan is present, Warehousing generates loads and shipments based on the Freight loads and shipments. For more information, refer to Freight loads and shipments

For production orders, the setting of the Create Shipment field in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session determines whether shipment lines are generated.

You can view and maintain loads, shipping containers, shipments, and shipment lines in the following sessions:

In these sessions, you can also manually create or modify loads, shipping containers, shipments, and shipment lines. For further information, see:

Freight loads and shipments

Freight can generate loads and shipments for warehousing order lines and originating order lines. To generate loads and shipments, Freight must generate freight orders for the warehousing orders or originating order lines first. The loads and shipments that Freight generates from the freight orders are contained in a load plan. After the load plan is made Actual, Freight passes on these loads and shipments to Warehousing, where they are displayed in the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session.

If Warehousing has generated loads and shipments for a particular warehousing order before Freight 's load plan based on the freight orders of the warehousing order is made Actual, the loads and shipments generated by Warehousing prevail. Warehousing 's loads and shipments will populate the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session, and will replace the load and shipments of the (not yet Actual) load plan. However, if the Overrule Load Plan check box is selected in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, the load plan is overruled, even if it is actual.

Settings for generating freight orders for warehousing order lines

Freight can generate freight orders for warehousing order lines if:

  • In the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session, the Generate Freight Order Automatically check box is selected for the warehousing order type of the order line.
  • For outbound order lines, the Generate Freight Order from Warehousing check box is selected in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.
  • For inbound order lines, the Generate Freight Order from Warehousing check box is selected in the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session.

The values of the Generate Freight Order from Warehousing check box in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session and the Generate Freight Order from Warehousing check box in the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session are defaulted from the Generate Freight Order Automatically check box in he Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session.

  • Freight orders can be generated from various originating orders, such as:

    • Sales orders
    • Purchase orders
    • Enterprise Planning orders
  • To ignore the shipment lines of a Freight load plan for an individual outbound order line, you can select the Overrule Load Plan check box in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.