Purchase schedule receipts

Warehousing communicates data to Purchase Control when you:

  • Receive or change an ASN for a purchase schedule.
  • Confirm or change a receipt for a purchase schedule.
  • Approve or reject items that are received for a purchase schedule.

When a shipment notice is created for a purchase schedule, LN updates the following data in the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session and the Shipped Cumulatives (tdpur3131m000) session:

  • Shipped Quantity
  • Planned Shipment Date
  • Last ASN (which is the supplier's ASN number)

If you change the shipping date or the supplier's ASN number in the Shipment Notice (whinh3600m000) session, or if you change the shipped quantity in the Shipment Notice - Lines (whinh3101m000) session, Common also updates this changed data in the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session and the Shipped Cumulatives (tdpur3131m000) session for the related purchase schedule line.


If you confirm a receipt for a purchase schedule in the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session, LN:

  • Updates the Receipt, Receipt Date, Received Quantity, and Received Amount in the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session.
  • Enters a record with the receipt data in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session.
  • Enters a record with, amongst others, the purchase schedule line's Received CUM in the Received Cumulatives (tdpur3132m000) session.
  • Puts the purchase schedule line's Schedule Quantity in the Required Cumulatives (tdpur3130m000) session as the purchase schedule line's Required Quantity.

If you confirm a receipt for a pull call-off schedule line that originates from Assembly Control, Warehousing communicates to Assembly Control that the goods called-off are received. What is updated depends on the supply system that is used to call off the goods:

  • If the goods are called off by the order-controlled/SILS supply system, LN updates the Quantity Received and the Status in the Line Station - Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000) session in Assembly Control. If the Quantity Received is less than the Quantity Called Off, the Status is set to Partially Received. If the Quantity Received is equal to or more than the Quantity Called Off, the Status is set to Received.
  • If the goods are called off by the order-controlled/batch supply system, LN updates the Quantity Received and the Status in the Line Station - Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000) session in Assembly Control. If the Quantity Received is less than the Transfer Quantity, the Status is set to Partially Received. If the Quantity Received is equal to or more than the Transfer Quantity, the Status is set to Received.
Receipt correction

If you correct the received quantity in the Receipt Correction (whinh3121s000), LN updates the received quantity in the following sessions:

  • Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000)
  • Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200)
  • Received Cumulatives (tdpur3132m000)

If in the Receipt Correction (whinh3121s000) session:

  • You select the Final Receipt check box, the purchase schedule line's status changes to Final Receipt.
  • You clear the Final Receipt check box, the purchase schedule line's status changes to Partial Receipt.

If, as a result of inspection of items that are received for a purchase schedule, you approve or reject items in the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session, LN updates the Approved Quantity and the Received Quantity in the following sessions:

  • Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000)
  • Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200)