To handle rejected inventory

In the Rejected Inventory (whwmd2570m000) session, you can accept, return, or destroy rejected inventory. You can also view the rejected quantity, accepted quantity, destroyed quantity, allocated quantity, and the returned quantity. For goods that are destroyed or returned, LN creates a back order.


If the inventory disposition functionality is used, rejected inventory is handled differently. For more information, refer to Inventory disposition.

Accept rejected inventory

To accept rejected inventory, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of items you want to accept.
  2. In the Reason field, enter a reason code of type Accept Rejected Inventory.
  3. Choose Accept Goods to accept rejected items.

If you accept rejected goods, LN:

  • Creates an adjustment order without financial transactions and automatically processes this adjustment order. If the Cycle Counting Orders History check box in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session is selected, the processed adjustment order is stored in the Processed Adjustment Order History (whinh5570m000) session after the adjustment order is removed using the Remove Processed Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5251m000) session.
  • Creates a receipt line that originates from the original purchase order line. The rejected quantity on the purchase order line is reduced with the quantity that is accepted after rejection. To confirm this receipt line directly, select the Confirm Receipt Line check box.
  • Updates the Accepted quantity field and the Last Transaction Date field in the Rejected Inventory (whwmd2570m000) session.
  • Unblocks the rejected inventory that was blocked for inspection.
  • Decreases the quantities, if present, of the following fields:

    • Receipt Line Ownership (whinh3521m000) session
      Process Rejected Inventory
    • Rejected Quantity in Rejection Unit
    • In Rejected Inventory
    • Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000) session
      Process Rejected Quantity
    • Quantity in Rejected Inventory
Destroy rejected inventory

To destroy rejected inventory, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of items you want to destroy. The quantity to be destroyed must be expressed in the inventory unit.
  2. In the Reason field, enter a reason code of type Destroy Rejected Inventory.
  3. Choose Destroy Goods to destroy the rejected items.

If you destroy rejected goods, LN:

  • Unblocks the rejected inventory that was blocked for inspection (required step to enable destruction).
  • Decreases the quantities, if present, of the following fields:

    • Receipt Line Ownership (whinh3521m000) session
      Process Rejected Inventory
    • Rejected Quantity in Rejection Unit
    • In Rejected Inventory
    • Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000) session
      Process Rejected Quantity
    • Quantity in Rejected Inventory
  • Creates a back order for the rejected goods.
  • Creates an adjustment order without financial tansactions.
  • Updates the value of the Destroyed quantity field and the value of the Last Transaction Date field.
Return rejected inventory

To return rejected inventory to the ship-from business partner, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a purchase order in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session for which the following applies:
    • The purchase order type must be according to the settings as specified in: Rejected inventory settings.
    • The right Original Document Type is selected: Order, Receipt, or Schedule.
    • The Original Document No must be the number that is also displayed in the Order field of the Rejected Inventory (whwmd2170s000) session.
  2. In the Purchase Order (tdpur4100s000) session, choose Purchase Order Lines to select the original line for which you want to return the rejected goods. LN copies the selected line to the newly created purchase order. The quantity on the new purchase-order line is the original purchase-order line's to be handled quantity that is on the reject location. You can modify the quantity to be returned in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101s000) session. (The Purchase Order Lines button is enabled when you save the purchase order that is specified according to step 1.)
  3. Release this purchase order line to warehousing in the Release Purchase Orders to Warehousing (tdpur4246m000) session. A warehousing order of transaction type Issue is created in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session and an outbound-order line is created in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.
  4. Carry out the activities of the outbound procedure as is specified in the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session. An advised outbound order line allocates the rejected goods to be returned.
  5. Carry out the activities of the shipment procedure as is specified in the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session.
  6. LN updates the value of the Returned quantity field and the value of the Last Transaction Date field if the shipment is confirmed in one of the following sessions:
    • Shipments (whinh4130m000)
    • Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000)
    • Loads (whinh4140m000)
    • Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads (whinh4275m000)