Rejected inventory settings

To be able to handle rejected inventory, the following settings must apply:

  • The Handle Rejected Goods check box on the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session must be selected.
  • The Inventory Disposition check box on the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session must be selected to use inventory disposition instead of the standard rejected inventory functionality. For more information, refer to Inventory disposition.
  • If the Inventory Disposition check box is selected:

    • Select or clear the Disposition Inventory Blocked for Planning as required.
    • Select disposition inventory series and number groups.
  • The Handle Rejected Goods check box in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session must be selected for your warehouse.
  • If your warehouse is location controlled, locations of the types Inspection and Reject must exist for your warehouse. In the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, you can specify whether a warehouse has locations. In the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) session, you can specify the locations of the warehouse.
  • An inspection procedure must be specified for the warehousing order type that you use to handle rejected inventory. The first activity in the inspection procedure must be the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session. For more information on setting up an inspection procedure, refer to To define warehousing procedures.
  • If rejected inventory must be returned, a purchase order type must be available for which the return order is of type Return Rejects and the applicable activity's Automatic check box is selected. You can link the warehousing order type with the inspection procedure to the purchase order type. You can specify the purchase order type in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session.
  • At least one of the check boxes below must be selected. This action selects, or enables you to select, the Inspection check box in the following sessions:
    • Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000)
    • Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000)
    • Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000)
    • Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000)